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The King's Fleet


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Hi again everyone, hope you liked The Kings last video


now I'm here to share with everyone the builds that our local genius has dreamt up so far for the new patch 5.5. please note that while there are plethroa of good ships these are the one that have stood out to the kings fancy and the ones hes currently using to exert his dominance



1 battlescout with BLC rocket pods and retro thrusters



the old classic still survives in this iteration. just make sure u get nice and close and if u have good aim and reaction u still beat everyone. if u want proove krixarcs used this build against a double premade recently its on a certain persons popular twitch stream. i think this shouldnt be too hard to figure out without violating the ToS please



2 T2 gunships


the old classic survives in this iteration as with a boost! same build as before but now u get proton torpedos that are good and not only just a reason for u to recharge your railgun blaster. also slug have been buffed by doing more damage to ship hull so its a bonus. the aim got boosted too but you need to be good TBH or you will be pulling hairs out missing your deviated snipes. but if you are good like the king then you deserve the right to be weseley snipes :cool:



3 T3 gunship




this ship was worse than the T2. it didn't have barrel roll but this oversite can be made up for with the NEW interdiction missile. let me tell u this new missile is purely a dominating force against strike fighters that are trying to kill u with torpedos. the king had yet to decide his engine power of choice between retro thruster and power dive they are both inference options compared to barrel roll but this missile is worth it in some games where u get swarmed by strike fighters. let me take this opportunity to thank bioware for bringing in so many great new components that we have been asking for i really like efficiency on the T2 strike



4. remote slicing T3 strike fighter with lockdown copilot


the king had a great idea to shut off enemy systems and engines ability and drain a plethroa of engines VIA the lockdown copilot and remote slicing techs. these lockdowns and slicings now regenerate very fast and u can land proton torpedo without much skills at all but it is a strong build, u can punish bad scouts with 1 shot kill. also if u land one on a gunship or strike fighter just use ur quads with shield piercing to deliver the final boot stomp





5 bloodmark with tensorfield and emp missile and light laser cannons


if u notice ur team has a lot of bomber pilot then u should use this to give them a boost. unlike before u can now be a fearsome opponent as long as u have great aim with light laser cannons. u can really give ur team the edge on a ctrl point too if u land the emp missile. u have plenty of turning ability in a scout and the lock time is simple so go out there and emp things and be a team player for once ok?

thank u and happy spawn camping :)

Edited by Dixarcs
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This is generally pretty good advice if you can manage to translate it to English and understand it. I agree that the Battlescout is still really strong. I understand that people want to fly all the new stuff, so I'm not really shocked that I've been seeing very few Battlescouts. However, a lot of people are saying they're underpowered now and it's not true. I prefer Power Dive over Retro, but I think a case can be made for either engine. Skyesora has a lot of success with Retro. And I did watch Krixarcs do really well with it on Twitch.



I think the T3 GS has always been much better than the T2 GS. But I agree, the "new" Interdiction Missile is really great. It synergizes really well with BLC. And the extra range really does help you land them more often. If a Strike Fighter follows you into a tight area, you can easily wreck him with Interdiction Missile and BLC. When he runs away just finish him with Slug Railgun. Due to EMP countering Directional Shields so well, and because of all the dangerous missiles available, I think DF is now the best shield option on this ship. This is another feature that makes the T3 superior to the T2 IMO. For engine, I prefer Power Dive, but I can see a case for Retro Thrusters too.



#4 I'm pretty sure you stole from watching aforementioned Twitch channel. I'm not convinced it's actually a really strong build yet. Yes, it does have the ability to kill scouts and gunships that are playing too aggressively. When I know my team is feeding/losing, I play super aggressive in order to support them and stop the bleeding a bit. The Remote Slicing build really punishes that. But I'm still not sure it's better than just using a T1/T2 Strike or a Gunship. Ion Railgun still punishes overly aggressive play too, and overall that ship is a lot more versatile.



I like the upgrades to the Bloodmark/Spearpoint but I still think you're almost always better off suiciding and switching to a Battlescout or T1 EMP Scout if you have a beacon available. I vastly prefer EMP field to EMP missile, and the T1 Scout's Rocket Pods are really useful with Wingman. But if my team doesn't need the utility then Battlescout is still a DPS powerhouse in domination games.



I think you should give the T1 Strike and T2 Strike more of a chance. Heavy Lasers are truly devastating in F1. And the Efficient Targeting upgrade you mentioned is really great for Protorps, EMP missile, and even Clusters. Quick Charge Shields finally give Strikes the engines and tankiness they needed.

Edited by RickDagles
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It's great that the King deigns to share his knowledge with the unwashed masses. He is truly a beneficent monarch.


I agree with Siraka, some good ideas above. May I pass one question along to the King? Regarding this build:

5 bloodmark with tensorfield and emp missile and light laser cannons


if u notice ur team has a lot of bomber pilot then u should use this to give them a boost. unlike before u can now be a fearsome opponent as long as u have great aim with light laser cannons. u can really give ur team the edge on a ctrl point too if u land the emp missile. u have plenty of turning ability in a scout and the lock time is simple so go out there and emp things and be a team player for once ok?

thank u and happy spawn camping :)


Why LLC over RFL? I'm aware of the higher potential dps of LLC, but in the King's estimation, is RFL not a viable alternative? The armor piercing surely comes in handy at times, particularly on a ship with no other source of AP.

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It's great that the King deigns to share his knowledge with the unwashed masses. He is truly a beneficent monarch.


I agree with Siraka, some good ideas above. May I pass one question along to the King? Regarding this build:



Why LLC over RFL? I'm aware of the higher potential dps of LLC, but in the King's estimation, is RFL not a viable alternative? The armor piercing surely comes in handy at times, particularly on a ship with no other source of AP.


Oh what a wise and Kourageous King to share his Knowledge with us regarding these ships! The masses may just arm themselves and revolt with such wisdom!

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Yea with RFL you give up some accuracy/DPS for AP. I think it really depends on how many CP bombers are in the game and how much EMP is on your team. If enemy bombers are having a hard time keeping CP up, then LLC is a better choice. Edited by RickDagles
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