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<The Banished> recruiting for SM and HM raiding - vets and newbies both welcome.


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<The Banished> is a small multi-national guild rebuilding after many people left or took breaks shortly after 5.0 dropped. Our main focus is raiding, but we also do all the content the game offers, regularly levelling alts, running FPs, even a bit of PvP.


We have a core group who have completed most if not all ops on HM and are looking for experienced/vet raiders to form a new HM team. Any role welcome, most of can play multiple roles. We currently have 4-6 of us geared and ready to go! Raid days/times are tbc but will likely be Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday evenings, dependent on everyone's availability. We aim to do fairly rapid progression through the older HMs, and get working on Gods From The Machine as quickly as possible.


We will also run at least 1 SM training night each week for players interested in raiding who find it hard to get started, and bring those who are interested through from SM to HM. So if you've always wanted to give ops a go but find it difficult to get a group, aren't sure what to do, or just want to give it a go and see if it's for you - we will explain all the fights, all we ask is that you're willing to show up and give it your best shot! Or, if you've been doing SM and aren't sure how to take the next step to HM - we'll help you with that too. SM runs will probably take place on a weeknight (tbc) or perhaps Sunday evening and will usually be the groupfinder op of the day, for the extra CXP so the vets get their weekly and trainees get gear and experience!


Vets - training runs won't be required but if you are willing to help out (repairs will be funded!) or to advise newbies on how to get the best out of their class, it's for everyone;s benefits - we all know the HM/NiM raider pool is only getting smaller, so anything we can do to bring in new people and show them how much fun an ops can be is only gonna help the guild and the game!


If you're interested, you can apply on our website (http://the-banished.enjin.com/) or whisper Salk-elan/Abrastal, Arodes/Calaerwen/Altheanne or Harry Pearce/Jigglynaut in-game (evenings and weekends - sadly work severely cuts into our gaming time!)

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