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Looking for an Imperial RP Guild


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Looking for an imperial RP guild for a -new- character so they have a fresh story slate. Heavy RP. 18+ preferred so I don't have to watch language or rp content. I'd like a forum that has been decently active with guildmembers and has guild and RP info.


I'm pretty open as far as character concept. I prefer a situation that allows for Master/Apprentice or similar set-up to help me learn lore oocly, while the character learns icly.


If you have a guild you think might fit, please PM me the info. My main character who I play outside of RP is Alira Drakrul if you'd like to send forum/guild info that way. Thank you so much!



About me:


> I have 15+ years experience with RP, but I'm fairly new to SWTOR and Star Wars Lore.


> I am unavailable most Friday and Saturdays as that's my bestie's days off so its our only time to play together. The rest of the week I can usually attend an event with warning and am on periodically throughout day and evening.


> I get motion-sickness so likely whatever character I make will be ranged. I know, I know,... what an awful gamer trait.


> I enjoy writing stories when inspired by RP for my characters.


> Not much offends me rply. Gore, Violence, etc.


> I'm open to helping and open to playing level 1 temporary characters as alts for a guild plot.


> I'm not interested in rank power grinding. I'd rather the character's rank go along with the character's development and I'm fine with that being slow as it needs to be.


> Lastly, I'm anal about my character's rp and development. I will likely ask a gazillion questions to get more information and to give her a solid background and way in rply.


>Yes, the character will be a her, probably human. I can play male rp alts, but being a woman, I like to stick with the same gender. I'm not familiar with the other races and I'd probably not be able to do them justice yet without guidance.

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