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Chiss world of Copero


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I am happy that we get some more Chiss love - but I doubt there will be much of it in the flashpoint.


I mean - how much cinematics/story do we normally have in a flashpoint? Not so much.


I am pretty sure it will be only slighty more than we see in the teaser. It will start with what we already saw - Saganu informing us about Therons whereabouts and then we will get a short scene in the middle (probably Theron meeting the Chiss to deal with them - again what we saw in the teaser) we chase after Theron and then we get some short scene at the end.


While I do hope they will at least include a single line of dialog acknowledging our Agents and even better Chiss Agents (the adoption) I doubt they will refer to the romance/kiss that a female Agent can have with Saganu.


And I doubt they will refer to any non agent chiss characters such as chiss Jedis or troopers or Sith - when did they ever do that? Would be great though.


I would love to have him as LI - even if he cannot be a companion. But to get e-mails from him and some flirts/responses from time to time would be great too. But that would require him to be part of the future story somehow. Ah well, something more for head canon I guess.

Edited by Cawyden
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