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The Roadmap Wild Speculations Contest!


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1) Introducing one massive new planet, with RvR elements in the middle of the map with supporting PVE mechanics to modify the pvp situation. (Just like in Warhammer, Age of Reckoning.)


2) New engine licensed via the unreal engine so the game can actually handle open world pvp


3) New team of developers specifically to handle balancing mechanics. Enough staff to handle maturnity leave without shutting down the whole operation.


4) Active combat abilities introduced. Actively dodge, parry, shield attacks like many other modern mmos.


5) Andrew Wilson, CEO of EA, handwrites a personal letter of apology to every subscriber who lasted 3 months or more past vanilla launch.

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My wild speculation:


Our character becomes bored with ruling the galaxy and wants to return to a simpler life.


Seeking anonymity, our toon changes their name and looks (everyone gets a free name change and a one off appearance change). After reassembling their crews (with some new and old members):


The BH goes back to bounty hunting, serving clients from both the empire and republic. The soldier becomes a soldier of fortune for both sides. The agent becomes a vigilante. The smuggler goes back to smuggling for both sides.


Force sensitives seek to either help or cause mischief across the galaxy.


With a much needed return to their old occupations, each class gets their own unique individual story.


Toss in some cross faction pvp maps and more flashpoints because fun.

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Well....I was considering what I thought was the wildest speculation in this thread, but I think Bioware beat us all by naming one of the new superservers "The Hot Prospect".


It doesn't exactly make one think of Star Wars and certainly no one saw it coming....well played, BW.

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