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Marrying Both Vette and Jaesa


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I know how to do this with Vette first and then Jaesa, but I want to be able to have the romance with Vette in KOTFE, so does anyone know if you can do this thing backwards? So like, instead of doing all of Vette's convos first, you do Jaesa's, then Vette's?


Or will Jaesa still ask you if you have stuff going on with Vette and make you choose? Because I haven't even kissed Vette yet, I'm at the point right after I meet with her old friends on Nar Shaddaa, so I haven't gotten very far with her.

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Jaesa eventually has conversations where she makes you choose. I don't know whether gaming the system will work in reverse, but I'm not sure what the point would be for the future. The story is only supposed to recognize one marriage.


I know, but I'm recording the class stories and posting them on YouTube, so I'd like to avoid making 2 Sith Warriors for both of them, where with one of them Vette will recognize the marriage in KOTFE and another where she won't because I married Jaesa last. This is why I'm asking, will Jaesa make me choose if I haven't married Vette?


The goal is to have Vette recognize that we're married in KOTFE, but still be able to follow through on the whole romance with Jaesa in the vanilla story. I'm fine with Vette telling me to choose, by the way, but I still want to marry them both lol.

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Update for those that don't know...


You CANNOT pursue Jaesa first or Vette will make you choose between the two. Also, if you say no to Jaesa but have sex with Tivva, Vette's sister, Vette will also break up with you. Yes, I know this from experience, FeelsAmazingMan. I am one lonely, ***** Sith Warrior.

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