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A few questions to whoever is in charge


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So as usual new things come up on the cartel market and other vendors, however my question is, what about those of us players that were hit by hurricane Irma and have had no power or internet for the last week? How do you expect me to log on today to buy a crystal? I think the idea is great but they should do something for us unable to get in the game to allow us to buy it when we can log in.


Im not expecting anyone to give me one for free. But the chance to get my own. Thanks.

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I can’t log on. So I cant buy it. All im asking is to be extended.


There are sales when people are on holiday. So they miss it.


There are one day sales when people are gone for whatever reason. So they miss them.


As much as I empathize with your situation in real life, I don't think BW can start reacting to such things or else everybody will want their favourite sale extended all the time. We already saw how well that went with character transfers.


Considering it's BW you'll have another chance at some point I'm sure at some point, but don't you have any friends or guildies that can help you out in the meantime? Or don't you have a guild website or some way to communicate with them? I mean, you made it here to the forum.

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