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Mercenary Combat Proficiencies keeps resetting


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My mercenary's combat proficiencies reset every time I log. It is a minor annoyance but an annoyance nonetheless compounded if I get Dc'd. It happens every log. I have respeced hoping that would fix it but to no avail.:confused :(


Girkhan 70 Mercenary

The Shadowlands

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My mercenary's combat proficiencies reset every time I log. It is a minor annoyance but an annoyance nonetheless compounded if I get Dc'd. It happens every log. I have respeced hoping that would fix it but to no avail.:confused :(


Girkhan 70 Mercenary

The Shadowlands


Mine reset too. Just looked on Dev Tracker this is not addressed

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Ok guys. I think I know what has happened. Please bear in mind I am only speculating here.


I have been having the same issue. However the past two day it appears to be fixed. I didn't have at least one proficiency picked under each heading (heroic, masterful, skillful, legendary). But since tinkering around and placing at least one in each under each heading everything has been fine for me.


Don't know if this is what has fixed it. I can only speculate. But if you don't have at least one proficiency picked under each heading give it a try yourself to see if it works for you too.


If you already do have at least one picked. Back to the drawing board :(

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Still experiencing this issue, (Marksman Sniper Imperial Agent) as is my sister (A Bounty Hunter, not sure what spec).


Every time I quit t5he game and relog my combat proficiency reset. It's real annoying and I'd like to know if there is some sort of fix lined up, or at least have the issue acknowledged.

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Every single day... My character I play the most is a BH, Mercenary, Arsenal. My Available Utility Points reset to 8 unused points. I pretty much viewed this as a minor bug that's slowly becoming nuisance. I figured the bug was going to be one of those bugs that gets fixed quickly. But it's been a problem since they released the Umbara storyline and isn't fixed yet. I'm really hoping it will get fixed this coming Tuesday, the 19th....
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Is it possible this happens when you pick Trauma Regulators? I was just leveling up some old DvL toon and when I got the 7th proficiency point I put it in Thrill of the Hunt - no issues. When I got the 8th I put it in Trauma Regulators and boom, problem occured.


Is there anyone who has Trauma Regulators selected who is NOT having this problem?

And conversely, is everyone who is having this problem selecting them?

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It seems that Trauma Regulators is indeed the culprit!


I've tested several random combinations of utilities and those without Trauma Regulators included will persist through logging in and out of the game. Any combination of utilities that has Trauma Regulators selected will reset after logging out.


So, until BW fixes this, pick something other than Trauma Regulators if you don't want to keep reallocating your utilities every time you log into your character.

Edited by madsci
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So, do we know if this is with particular utils for all the affected specs, not just Merc/commando?

Did they recently change some utils for all the affected classes, and those are the ones affected?

My Gunslinger, Sniper, Scoundrel, and Operative would also like a fix for this.

Edited by Sunyavadin
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