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Game Update 5.4a


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Alright, fair consensus seems to stop doing codes. I hear you on them being shareable like the Cantina code is optimal, but it isn't how they work currently. With that in mind I am going to hold off on it. Again, I apologize if people felt slighted, I only meant it is as a fun downtime killer! I will be more sensitive to that in the future.


Again, we are actively moving towards a possible fix now. We then need to test it to ensure it corrected the issues of this morning. I will pass on updates as I have them.




Wow people ruin codes because of saltiness they might not get one? This community sure seems to be heading downhill fast.


Her Eric - if forum users don't want them feel free to hand them out on reddit instead, I can guarantee you will be loved for it over there. ;)


Failing that why not go back to playing games like last time? Questions and first to answer get codes and only 1 prize per person. Tends to make it fairly fair (and gives these lore lovers who seem to have such big issues with speed prizes a chance for something and it's just more fair than speed prizes).

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A little thought :


Imagine i was a electricity company and people stay in the dark for 6 hours and I say the first 25 to say "Kowabunga" on the phone get a free Key ring...


How would my customers react ? Would they go see another Electricity Company ?

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I read the post from the Dev, the codes aren't meant to be compensation for lost time. I'm starting to feel like they never considered the time we paid for. I subbed to this, paid good money, and lost time isn't compensated?

Please tell me that's not what Eric meant on the Dev page.


Btw, I understand what the codes were for. Throw few out, let some people jump at them, and do it again later. Not a bad 20 second time killer.


But there has to be consideration for those of us who can't sit and wait for codes all day long. Please hook me up with something that says you guys care enough about those who pay for the game, and lost a day.


Keep at it guys, we all look forward to getting back in. Thanks for your hard work to get us there.

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Now I feel even more insulted...


Those lucky 20 or so people got something that now noone else will ever have...


Why? Because they have faster internet than everyone else...


Come on man...


Talk about really kicking the player-base in the face and then tossing salt and iodine into their bleeding wounds...


This is just stupid and the whole situation is really giving me second thoughts about continuing my support of this game.


8 Hours and counting...


I feel so sad and angry right now, I almost want to just walk away and forget this game ever exsisted.



dude i was online when he posted them, i tried picking one up randomly within 10 seconds of the post going up pasting to my second window took another 20 second to find the redeem a code page... so really under 45 second i was pressing submit and it was not redeemable so it leaves me to conclude either someone was able to copy and paste all of them and got multiple codes or the codes were not redeemable in the first place.


so honestly at this point either do things right for the community and grant everyone something for the time off the game to keep the majority of the people happy or dont and risk loosing subs in the long run. A game like this running for the amount of time it has is soon to hit the pinnacle or it might already has and it doesn't need a bad hit as i know for a fact a dead server is not fun to play on.


with the multiple of new games coming out soon these events might hurt bioware more than they might think. well this is my opinion.



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First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




Send me a tawn fawn code please. I think that one is part of the legacy achievements which can no longer be acquired?

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i can't complain. i redeemed one of each code and i wasn't even fast. was watching pubg streams on the side. :S

following you people lapse into hysteria, trying to lynch a Dev that only wants to do some good to you, is just a bonus on top. plebs will be plebs. if you ever wonder what went wrong with modern society - just look into the mirror. do you still think you deserve any better?

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That I can do :rak_03:


I'm following all this on twitter, and as I said there, so long as you guys are being transparent, that's all that matters to me.


I'll admit that I'm upset that I've lost nearly a half a day of play, but I logged in this morning and saw the bugs that happened; the quest log showing numbers instead of text, the buffs that were gone, and how my Scoundrels had to redo their discipline perks? Yeah, I'm perfectly willing to wait for those to be fixed. This is the first time I've experienced bugs that were a detriment to my gameplay, and I'm willing to lose a day if it means that I can play fine tomorrow.

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Do a live-stream of the developers fixing the game while you shout encouraging slogans at them, please. Thanks.

Developers? You know it's just one poor unpaid intern hamster! And he's not had his doughnuts yet...poor guy.

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Well... I think you should owe us an extension of that EXP-Week!

Also this code ********... Givr them per Mail to ervery Abo or stuff like that.

I know that youre trying to fix that problem and youre also not happy about that.

But dont forget, that WE are the players, that are paying for this game and we are taking the game still alive. (I mean erveryone knows that the game is dying slowly...)

Be more careful with your players and community!


Its kinda sad... you said that Umbara would be big and great... Yeah a flashpoint with few cutscenes and nothing more... Oh yes the train.......

Whats with a new roadmap? Will we get some big Addons in future? I dont think so...


Please! You should listen, what the players want for content!


Sorry for my bad english, i am from Germany



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A little thought :


Imagine i was a electricity company and people stay in the dark for 6 hours and I say the first 25 to say "Kowabunga" on the phone get a free Key ring...


How would my customers react ? Would they go see another Electricity Company ?


No because if the electricity is out the phone wont work

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It shouldn't. That only happened last week because the Conquest schedule was adjusted outside of the normal Tuesday reset, since we delayed the update. An actual Thursday update isn't the issue, only if we touch the schedule (which we haven't).



Some said "do not shoot the messenger" and is right. I am quite sure no one intended all this mess. Would suggest that xp/cxp bonus is extended, and perhaps next time just for standing correct select a different time to launch a patch.

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Alright, fair consensus seems to stop doing codes. I hear you on them being shareable like the Cantina code is optimal, but it isn't how they work currently. With that in mind I am going to hold off on it. Again, I apologize if people felt slighted, I only meant it is as a fun downtime killer! I will be more sensitive to that in the future.


Again, we are actively moving towards a possible fix now. We then need to test it to ensure it corrected the issues of this morning. I will pass on updates as I have them.




Eh. It is what it is. I am glad this game exists. If ya doing codes then do them. If not doing don't do them. Either way thanks for the updates on the game. At least ya keeping us updated.

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  • Dev Post
So, is this you saying you can't do another 2 weeks on the Double Exp/CXP event? :rak_01::rak_01::rak_01:


I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!



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