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Alliance fleet station


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Now that the Alliance is the main superpower in the galaxy, it feels a little strange to still visit station carrick and spatiodock vaiken. After the battle on Iokath, one is an ennemy and the other an unreliable ally. The Alliance is supposed to have its own almighty fleet. Shouldn't it have its own space station ?


From a gameplay point of view, it could be usefull to gather all high level players from both factions on the same fleet.

It could be called the "Cadera station" or the "Vette station" (depending on who died), with fleet shuttles to the Gravestone and other ships.

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I mean, there's already Odessen base and it should've been used as the main hub for players post-KOTFE/KOTET content. With cross-faction chat of course. And lots of cross-faction grouping tools. The game's mechanics have really fell behind the lore and immersion, the hub and separation of imp/rep classes from launch feels completly out of place in the current environment and story stage of the game
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I mean, there's already Odessen base and it should've been used as the main hub for players post-KOTFE/KOTET content. With cross-faction chat of course. And lots of cross-faction grouping tools. The game's mechanics have really fell behind the lore and immersion, the hub and separation of imp/rep classes from launch feels completly out of place in the current environment and story stage of the game


Well put.


The cynic in me says The Alliance is a temporary plot device that will eventually be abandoned as the game returns to Sith vs Republic. The mere fact that I stated this, however, is reason enough to bet on the opposite. :)

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Well put.


The cynic in me says The Alliance is a temporary plot device that will eventually be abandoned as the game returns to Sith vs Republic. The mere fact that I stated this, however, is reason enough to bet on the opposite. :)


Sure, maybe temprorary in story-sense but definitely not in realife gameplay time. We'll go way over 2 years with KOTFE/KOTET state, that's definitely not temprorary period, it's over 2 years of gaming with disconnected mechanics from current setting & lore. Sure doesn't feel like a 'living reactive online world' and very video-gamey instead with outdated restrictions still in

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It's because BW tried to listen to player input by factoring in a 3rd faction in these Zakuul expansions, only they gave us the wrong kind of faction. We wanted an underworld faction with a playable droid race, instead we got Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet...


Anyway, one thing players did request that I think BW is going to actually make good on is returning the game to a Imps vs. Pubs setup, with the Alliance eventually taking over one faction or the other essentially making you Emperor or Supreme Chancellor/Commander. That way we'll get to be on our old factions again and still be the center of ever story.

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Sure, maybe temprorary in story-sense but definitely not in realife gameplay time. We'll go way over 2 years with KOTFE/KOTET state, that's definitely not temprorary period, it's over 2 years of gaming with disconnected mechanics from current setting & lore. Sure doesn't feel like a 'living reactive online world' and very video-gamey instead with outdated restrictions still in


We are quite in agreement there. The missing companions are a perfect example of how things get drug out.

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