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New playerish


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About me:

I have a level 70 Sith Marauder and a level 65 Jedi Shadow, I just hit 70 tonight and im finishing up the story line on my sith. I just started Act 6 or 7, so hopefully it wont be to much longer?

I do have a Sub


What I'm Looking for:

I never really did anything after leveling. So Im trying to make a full dive into this game. Find a group of people who will accept me and help me learn. Point me in the right direction.

If you are willing to be patient and need someone in a group ill gladly join if you ask. (I learn quickly, I spent 6 years in WoW as a Guild lead/Raid lead in a 25 man then 20 man raid.)


I want to experience this game, it is all new to me, and I know im way behind. I am happy to sit on the side lines until i get a better grasp. But a game especially an mmorpg is more fun and easier to indulge yourself in if you have a group of people, even if it is just to be social.



Other things about me:

22, east coast, Florida.

I work monday through friday and occasionally weekends from 6-7am to 3-5pm. (once in a blue moon ill get home late)

Ive played wow for 9 years. (I know i was young, blame my aunts)

I once in a blue moon play overwatch on xbox.





Edit: If you happen to be looking for a specific class and dont mind waiting awhile or if you need something for the future I have no problem rerolling while i am fresh. I prefer not to tank, and i am very okay with, it is what i have always done in my mmorpg time

Edited by mintyo
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Welcome to the SWTOR experience. if you looking for decent guilds to join that dont have too much drama and are decent active, look for member from Kai'sithari, Defying Fate on impside and Embracing Fate and Galaxy Knights on pubside.Ive been a good standing member of each guilds for a bit now and never had issues with conquest points or drama.We would welcome you to our group.
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Good afternoon, or evening depending on time zone...


I would love to chat with you in about The Crimson Order [TCO] as an option for your guild home here on Harbinger, on the Imperial side. TCO is a multi-game guild that has recently relocated our SWTOR chapter to the Harbinger server in order to rebuild it from the ground up here as a non-zerg, high quality, wrecking ball of a guild in TOR. You can find out more about our guild in general as well as our full recruitment post with details HERE, and check out our code of conduct and long form guild regs HERE. I'm also happy to answer any question you may have regarding the above documents, or anything NOT covered there. Join us in discord, or you can find me online as either Vaylen Darkstar or Rha'Ziell. Hope to hear back soon, and have a great day.



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