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chapter help


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If you have only done Chapter 1 so far and only completed Chapter 1 that is the only one you will get credit for. The story progress as you do it. If you have finished Chapter 1 then you should have a continuation to the story to proceed to Chapter 2. Level have nothing to do with the chapters, it has to do with what you have done in your class story.
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It's not helped by the fact that there are three different Chapter Ones.


* There is Chapter 1 of the base class story, started at level 1 by a start-at-1 character.

* There is Chapter I of Knights of the Fallen Empire, started at level 60+ by a start-at-1 character, or at level 60 by an insta-60.

* There is Chapter I of Knights of the Eternal Throne, started at level 65+ by a start-at-1 or insta-60 character, or at level 65 by an insta-65.


For convenience, they number the KotFE and KotET ones with Roman numerals so that you can easily tell them apart from each other.

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