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Class Character Mirror Match


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I figured I'd share my thoughts since I'm rather bored leveling another character and delaying Shadow of Revan as much as possible.


I'm going to list the class characters and their opposite faction counter parts and give my reason why I think each would win. We'll factor in mild prep, they aren't just dumped into an arena, they know what's coming and who they are fighting. I'm presuming they follow their own cannon stories, and by that I mean Imps = Dark, Reps = Light.




Sith Warrior Vs. Jedi Knight:


The winner: Sith Warrior.


Why: Stripping away light always triumphs plot armor, the two of them are fair matches to some degree, but I get the impression over the course of the story the Warrior pulls ahead by quite a bit. His challenges are more numerous, and not only does his success not hinge on his allies, but one ally actively tries to sabotage him. He's a powerhouse who perpetuates himself via his own will, strength, and skill. The Knight doesn't compare.





Sith Inquisitor Vs. Jedi Councillor:


The Winner: Jedi Councillor.


Why: The Sith Inquisitor is, in my opinion, the strongest entity in the game outside of the Emperor. He has five Force ghosts in him (if you ate the Voss, which, since we're Dark Side, we did). That said, the Councillor's entire story is undoing Sith rituals. The Sith Inquisitor lives and dies by rituals. It isn't much of a stretch to presume the Councillor could work up a way to exorcise the spirits and defeat the Inquisitor once he's weakened.



Agent Vs. Smuggler:


Winner: Agent.


Why: Well trained, intelligent, and access to all sorts of handy gadgets and resources to study his opponent, I can't possibly see the Smuggler lasting against the Agent, to be blunt.




Bounty Hunter Vs. Trooper:


Winner: Bounty Hunter.


Why: This is a much closer match than the last. The Trooper has training and gear, but the Bounty Hunter has illegal mods and fights dirtier. The Trooper is painted as a leader of their men, the Bounty Hunter is much less crew based, much more self focused throughout the story. The Trooper conquers with their allies, the Bounty Hunter's success is virtually independent of them, save Mako's tech. In a brawl, I see the Bounty Hunter using their likely better gear and illegal modifications to get an upper hand and defeat the Trooper.



Your thoughts? Am I wrong? Right? Post your own, I'd love to read them!

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Assuming you're looking at the characters at a point immediately after completing their class stories, I disagree on who would win with the Knight and Warrior.


Don't get me wrong, the Warrior is powerful. But the Sith Emperor is not a moron; he would not select someone who could defeat him in combat to be his Wrath, and the Knight manages to out-duel the Emperor.


Therefore, it stands to reason that if the Knight can best the Emperor, the Knight can best the Warrior.

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Assuming you're looking at the characters at a point immediately after completing their class stories, I disagree on who would win with the Knight and Warrior.


Don't get me wrong, the Warrior is powerful. But the Sith Emperor is not a moron; he would not select someone who could defeat him in combat to be his Wrath, and the Knight manages to out-duel the Emperor.


Therefore, it stands to reason that if the Knight can best the Emperor, the Knight can best the Warrior.


I disagree there: The Wrath defeats the Voice of the Emperor who was very much trying to kill the Wrath on Voss (which was empowered by another entity). The Knight defeats a greatly weakened body (probably another Voice, possibly Vitiate's original body, we'll probably never know) on Kaas, effectively picking up the scraps on the Wrath.

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