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Looking for a fun guild to play with [E]


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Hello all,


I recently began playing again after a long hiatus and want to get in with a fun group to play the game with. I enjoy all aspects of the game PVE/PVP and everything in between. I would really enjoy a mature group who are alright with drinking and cursing and the like but I can handle family friendly as well. I am Empire side and bringing up a Jugg for all aspects of the game, feel free to Send me a mail or PM me here. Character name is "Decimus Tarquinus".


I also would like a guild that uses voice comms as a regularity and maybe has a website or plays other games together.

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I hoped I could interest you in chatting about The Crimson Order [TCO] as an option for your guild home here on Harbinger, on the Imperial side. TCO is a multi-game guild that has recently relocated our SWTOR chapter to the Harbinger server in order to rebuild it from the ground up here as a non-zerg, high quality, wrecking ball of a guild in TOR. You can find out more about our guild in general as well as our full recruitment post with details HERE, and check out our code of conduct and long form guild regs HERE. I'm also happy to answer any question you may have regarding the above documents, or anything NOT covered there. Join us in discord, or you can find me online as either Vaylen Darkstar or Rha'Ziell. Hope to hear back soon, and have a great day.



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If you are still looking for a guild check out <Legend of Shadows> imp side. A causal guild looking for new and returning players. We offer guild flagship, fully decorated guild stronghold, guild bank and discord. republic guild also available and is known as <League of Assassins>
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