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Weird framedrop with radeon 580!?


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im playing SWTOR on a radeon 580 and it runs pretty good / stable @60 (VSYNC on), but after a few minutes my FPS will suddenly drop to arround 30-40FPS. I need to reload the UI in order to fix my FPS back to 60. Does anyone know what is causing this?



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Not familiar with the newer imacs performance


I gather if you stand still the FPS still drops even after a reset of the UI ?


Disabling the UI will always increase FPS but the fps shouldn't be dropping average overall in same location after a few minutes


How are the temps actually like after 5 minutes of playing ? not sure how the Imacs handle heat under consistent load, and swtor makes a great stress test more then people think

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It just randomly drops without anything happening special on the screen. Its pretty much stable everywhere in the game. Even in lowlvl warzones i get stable 60 fps. Ive read that other players are experiencing the same in other games, but they didnt found a solution so far. The CPU is not overheating, i cannot even hear a fan.
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The CPU is not overheating, i cannot even hear a fan.

It still sounds like the system is throttling because of heat. Try running the game with lowered graphics settings to see if that helps. (Or build yourself a real gaming computer. :) )

SWTOR uses a lot of CPU which can generate a lot of heat - when you add the heat generated by the GPU, the cooling system in the Mac may not be able to handle it, and it may throttle things. Cutting back on the graphics would reduce the heat production.

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But after restarting the UI everything will be fine again!? In warzones i dont experience any frame drops at all (same in flashpoints!?). Could it be, that the CPU/GPU gets parked while im out there leveling / questing and they start working at full speed after reloading the UI?
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