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Going back to are roots and seeing how its all doing.


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I will say that one thing that i like the direction Lokath might be taking afterwords is there is a change later we can visit old worlds or see how everything is doing over in the core worlds i kinda miss them it feels kinda lonesome with out them i need my cozy home worlds. Sure i might have a tone on problems with how they handle the hole forced to pick a side in Lokath and how completely one sided it was with killing and empress over an commander and how it does not seem to really matter but i like the idea and direction it can take. My only fear is that this traitor plot line will keep us stranded on this far side of the galxey wile i loved knight of the fallen and throne i am sorry but Zakuul will never fill like home to me and i honestly I just cant come to care what happens to them, I am like a reverse Arcann it just a backwater country to me, Coruscant, Dromund Kass and Tython those are were i fill at home and want to know how every thing is doing. In other words i am Home Sick I WANNA GO HOME!!!:sul_frown:
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Friendly advice (please take this as it is meant: a way to help you): It's Eye Oh Kath, not Ell Oh Kath. And you really, really need to proofread when you use autocorrect.


But I think the suggestion is at least somewhat sound, or it would be if the Iokath story wasn't so ghastly. (In effect, you are asking for stuff that would be follow-up to a ghastly-stupid unfairly railroaded story that only works if the Outlander-then-commander-then-emperor is desperately stupid and doesn't even *think* about bluffing.)


But you'd have to have special mission areas on the Core Worlds planets, in the same way that we had one on Voss during KotET Chapter I, or, indeed, during the Tython and Korriban flashpoints and the final stages of the Jedi Knight's story..


That said, I feel quite sure that there will be at least some visits to post-war Coruscant / Dromund Kaas and similar worlds. If we choose "cross-faction" in the Iokath story, we can't visit the "true" worlds whose bosse we aligned with, since they are the wrong faction, hence we need an instanced version of it.

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I tend to agree with steve, and the op. However, wouldn't it be better to have the planets as story/level/heroics to be instanced, and a more live-action (and probably bigger) version of said planets, to be uninstanced? Edited by Augsust
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I tend to agree with steve, and the op. However, wouldn't it be better to have the planets as story/level/heroics to be instanced, and a more live-action (and probably bigger) version of said planets, to be uninstanced?

I'm not sure it makes a lot of difference. The key point is that there would be "normal" Coruscant (for all the people who haven't done KotFE/KotET/Iokath, and for the rest when they want to relax) and there would be "post-apoc" Coruscant for the people who are on the follow-up to Iokath. It wouldn't be the same place as "normal" Coruscant, but it could, indeed, be non-instanced in the same way that most of Breaktown and the Old World on Zakuul are non-instanced.


There's some funnies about how people who chose their "home" faction on Iokath would choose between going to "normal" Coruscant versus going to "post-apoc" Coruscant, but yeah.

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New/expanded maps after the Iokath arc, at least, would be a very good start for greater immersion. Zakuul, Coruscant, and Dromund Kaas redevelopment would be interesting to experience, esp. since all three respective planets have had a change in govt. system over the course of KotFE/KotET, compared to the class story planets. Edited by Augsust
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