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Jedi Allignment


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So, Am I the only one that has issues with labelling the Jedi as "Good"? Just following the basic lore I tend to list them as Lawful Neutral. Though the Sith themselves range from Chaotic evil to Lawful Evil. [ At least in my headcannon]


Otherwise, There are so many of the choices, especially during the Jedi Sage campaign that I don't see as dark side, but the game labels it as one. The best example is when you have to choose to save either a girl from a fire or Holocrons containing medical data that could be used to save millions.

Wouldn't the short sighted emotional answer be to save the girl, and let the data die? But because its so emotional and easy to do, I'd consider that the dark side answer.

On the other hand, Saving the data might cost one life, But it could save millions down the road. And that's even pointed out to you during the conversation. I'd consider that a much harder choice, to let the girl die, but be safe in the thought that your choice could potentially save so many other lives. to me, that's certainly the light sided choice, and much more far reaching. But it's listed as a dark side choice.



[ Also, toying around with trying to add a forum signature, but just in case it's not showing, here's my referral link! http://www.swtor.com/r/DgQkbf But feel perfectly free to ignore it. =) ]

Edited by Runetakashi
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As you said might. There is no guarantee it will. You can definitely save one life. I am not the type to gamble with someone's life on the possibility in the future that the data might be able to save others.

This. A good comparison is a certain Trooper mission, where you have a choice between definitely saving one person and definitely saving over 300. In that case, there isn't any uncertainty about whether you save anyone: save one or save 300+. And saving the one is DS, while saving the 300+ is LS. But in the JC mission on Taris, it's definitely save one or maybepossibly save an unknown number of others.


(There are other aspects to the trooper thing that enhance the correctness of its LS/DS split, because the save-one is also easy to read as self-serving because of who the one is.)

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I haven't done that mission in a good long while, but is there a good reason why we can't save both?

"Size matters not" after all.

The story says you can't. See spoiler box:


You talk to the Imperial technician, and he tells you that because of the Imp ships outside attacking the asteroid, there are three choices:

* keep both areas inside powered up and let everyone including you die because there's no power left to run the deflectors

* power the deflectors and the area containing the 300+ prisoners and let the one person die

* power the deflectors and the area containing the one person and let the 300+ people die


Or, at least, that's my recollection of it. I last did it during the DvL event ...

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