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Here is my Hybrid Annihilation/Carnage Build (17/27/0)


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Well your big problem here is you're specializin in two different stances, which you can only use one. There's no point in getting Ataru form and then speccing into Juyo form as well. Theres no good way to stance dance for this either. So it's pointless on that note for most of your spec already.
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It will work... however likely won't be efficient and the player might have to be extra skillful in PvP to pull it off. Sometimes a build is less about DPS and more about the fun of playing it. Not my style but I can appreciate "outside the box" thinking nonetheless.


In some games having a hybrid can really throw PvP'rs for a loop as well. An unconventional build in GuildWars for example can have someone casting the wrong buffs and prots. Unfortunately in SWToR skill selection per class is too straight forward to really alter the way someone plays a class.

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Well your big problem here is you're specializin in two different stances, which you can only use one. There's no point in getting Ataru form and then speccing into Juyo form as well. Theres no good way to stance dance for this either. So it's pointless on that note for most of your spec already.


Ah I didn't know that hmm but which form is better though? Ataru Form or Juyo Form for both PvP and High DPS.

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Any opinion are welcome not flame or troll please :D


Either you spec Juyo for bleeds or Ataru for proccs, not both, that doesn't make any sense.

50% chance for Camo to break MI effects? Either go to 100% or don't skill it at all.


Hoe can you NOT take imp BA? It's the one move that enables you to do burst dmg.


Further... you have one bleed with rupture as you didn't spec the 2nd one but you skilled bleedcrits etc, that just doesn't make sense either. The spec is just bad, no real utility gain but sacrificing a ton of dmg output and synergie.

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I would probably do something like this.. based on some first thoughts. Would give you a lot of the DOT benefit of Annihilation, and what is in my opinion all the good stuff out of Carnage. The only thing you're not getting is the Scream crits but you still crit a lot like scream anyways and you got enough skills to blow rage on without adding more between Sabre Charge, Vicious Slash, Rupture, and etc.. you could in a perfect scenario be constantly stacking Sabre dots + Rupture + proccing Ataru form hits yet still have the snare of vicious throw, the extra rage stuffs from Charge all that, the slow from rupture, and all that, The only thing you really lose is the top tier skills which aren't really -that- great anyways. Massacre is really only for replacing VS to force scream procs and Annihilation is decent but only if you spam it enough to make use of the passive which if you're going for Ataru procs you won't be doing. I dont know how it would play it in actual game though.

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For a true hybrid I would use:




Rotation would be:


Charge (+4r) -> Deadly Saber (-3r) -> BA (+6r) -> Rupture (-2r) -> Gore (-3r) -> Ravage (0r) (or assault + vicious slash if they aren't immobilized by someone else)


Then just Assault + Vicious Slash until CD's are up and use each of the above.

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Not good at all.


Smash isn't even worth using in PvP unless you spec high enough in rage to get both the damage increase AND the insta crit, which means quick recovery is useless.


Hungering sucks without deadly saber.


Erupting Fury is useless in both endgame pve and pvp.


Defensive roll is just meh.


The rage abilities are just meh.


This spec basically has 0 damage on it and very little survivability or lockdown.

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