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The Jedi Consular Story (Light Side)


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it's not really the Sith inquisitor story with a few changes. And I still find the class story the most ho-hum of the lot. It was the first class I played so i suppose I should like it but ...


I also think the companions are overall almost the worst in the game, possibly a toss up with the smuggler class.


As for your recap. I'd keep at it. who knows, I, and others, might change our minds.


Same, besides Nadia and maybe Qyzen, the companions aren't that great.

And yeah I agree... I've played JC and SI as well. JC isn't like the SI class at all. For example, there's no master wanting to take your body... and no rooting out sleeper agents (Children of the Emperor.). :cool:

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The main reason folks don't like the Consular story is the lack of continuity compared with the Knight story. Folks who you fight and choose to spare or kill don't show up again or affect the storyline and there isn't as much of a central conflict compared to the Emperor being the "big bad" throughout most of the Knight story. Knight also meets Bengel Morr again as well as Orgus Din's ghost after he dies, not to mention Lord Praven. Consular has no such reunions with Nalen Raloch, Yuon Par, Lord Vivicar, or Syo Bakarn if they're spared and the antagonist/central conflict changes throughout the story, not to mention Gaden-Ko or Hallow Voice or any of the Rift Alliance diplomats who you hear nothing from except Tai Corden in KOTFE


Agreed. I thought for sure Yuon Par or Gaden-Ko would make an appearance...

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