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Who is Dark Jaesa @#%&ing?!


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Who is Dark Jaesa seeing?



WARNING: Though 99% of this is speculation, some of this is a spoiler for those who have not finished the class story and/or started KOTFE's first chapter. That being said, click on the Spoiler button. You know you want to.




What ever your relationship with her, it's probably over. Jaesa only cares about one thing now: Power.


She doesn't love you. It's possible she may have at one point, but during the five years of your loss, she may have moved on using reasoning like the murder of her parents to forget you. Her seduction towards power may have brought her to someone she perceives as more powerful.


Subject: Everything ends


You were always going to leave me. I knew that. It was inevitable the moment you killed my old master. I pace the ship's corridors and eavesdrop on your acolytes. Some mourn you. Their grief makes me smile. Beyond that, I feel nothing.


I'm free. I'm alive. I'm more powerful than ever, and I don't fear death. Not mine, not yours. The worst happened. I'm still here. Someone already seeks to replace you as the dark center of my universe. Why should I cry that you're gone? Why write words to a dead man?




"Im free". "I'm more powerful than ever..". "Their grief makes me smile"


Perhaps Jaesa finds it liberating now that you're gone. As if an evil tyrant has fallen.


"The worst happened. I'm still here".


Was "The Worst" you being gone or something else? Something or someone "dark" pulling her away from you? Jaesa's betrayal of you?


"Someone already seeks to replace you as the dark center of my universe".


Who is this "someone", seeking to replace you?


I believe this person, whoever he is, is the new antagonist in the SWTOR timeline. Perhaps someone not overtly evil, so as to also seduce lightside Jaesa, yet powerful, so Bioware writers don't have to make two completely different stories.


I have a few guesses.


Could it be, the return of Darth Malgus? Could Darth Malgus be seducing Jaesa? Malgus may be too old but Jaesa may not care. Malgus murdered his last lover, Eleena Daru long ago during the Galactic War when Jaesa was just a baby or maybe even before she was born. His heart shattered ever since. The Return of Malgus would be a great expansion. He was last known to be in frozen carbonate under the property of Valkorian, aka The Emperor, captured by Arkan and his brother. Is it possible he was freed by Dark Jaesa, in her blood thirsty quest for power?


Lord Scourge is my other theory. Though Lord Scourge is definitely too old being the original Wrath and a former apprentice of Revan and the Vitiate back when planet Nathema was a flourishing world. Lord Scourge is last known to be somewhere in "wild space" searching for ancient artifacts that may free him from the torment of immortality, given to him by the Vitiate. Could it be, that since Dark Jaesa is also on the same quest of searching for these ancient artifacts that they hooked up and eventually freed Darth Malgus? Could it be that Darth Malgus frozen in carbonate is a back up plan or a tether for the Vitiate to hide in and take over Malgus' body? Thus Lord Scourge may have concluded that Malgus embodied with the spirit of the Emperor (Vitiate, Valkorion) could be the only answer to end his immortality since, it was the Emperor who made him immortal in the first place, while also getting the attention of Dark Jaesa seeking power from the Emperor?


My other theory is Revan. Maybe Revan found out that the Emperor is hiding in Malgus' body and has attracted Jaesa's never ending thirst for power. And a whole ordeal pops off from there.


Or maybe ... Its Valkorion himself. Maybe during Jaesa's (light or dark) quest in "fighting the good fight" or in her quest for "power" found herself being tricked a seduced by Valkorion, where she ended up in frozen carbonite as a back up plan for Valkorion.


Maybe it's Scorpio. Scorpio has been known to change her appearance. Scorpio knowing that Jaesa has become powerful, perhaps through Valkorion, led her to a trap or a fake romance to keep her close. Maybe not.


Maybe it's Nadia Grell. Nadia Grell was last known to have gone crazy looking for you, going to Wild Space deeply suffering from your loss and never returned. Could it be she bumped into Jaesa in far off worlds searching for power in long forgotten artifacts and was seduced by Dark Jaesa. Could Nadia be turned to the darkside in you absence by Dark Jaesa, or maybe helping lightside Jaesa "fight the good fight"? That story maybe too hot for Bioware to touch. Though it would make a great plot for a Netflix show on The Old Republic. By the way, Ashara was also known to last be seen in "Wild Space". Lot's of "wild" imagery here.


Something to keep in mind, for those worried that Bioware doesn't have the budget to make two different stories just for Jaesa. Who ever it is, may have also romanced Lightside Jaesa as well, because Lightside Jaesa was single to begin with and was never in love with you.


Who do you think has seduced Jaesa?


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To answer the question at the end of the spoiler box:




She's still holding a torch for the SW. Read the *last* part of her letter, where she asks why she is still longing for and writing to a dead man.


I wouldn't describe it as *love* in any conventional sense, but her relationship with the SW clearly went beyond just, um, lust.


Well, that's my interpretation of it, anyway.

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To answer the question at the end of the spoiler box:




She's still holding a torch for the SW. Read the *last* part of her letter, where she asks why she is still longing for and writing to a dead man.


I wouldn't describe it as *love* in any conventional sense, but her relationship with the SW clearly went beyond just, um, lust.


Well, that's my interpretation of it, anyway.


I'm sure she is shagging someone, but that's just her lust. Her true love is the Wrath, even in his death.

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She doesn't actually say she in her email is with anyone else, only that someone else is interested in her. And she is clearly having a hard time processing her feelings for the Wrath after his apparent death. Edited by OldVengeance
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Ranos can't actually tell you much about Jaesa with any certainty, she's only heard rumors.


Ranos sounds pretty confident that whatever relationship you had with her, "its over". Dark Jaesa only cares about "Power". Let me stress "only" as in she doesn't care about you, because your name isn't "power". In her letter, she still had feelings somewhere in the time period of the 5 years you were in frozen carbonite. But by the time you speak to Master Ranos, "it's over".


This is why I'm asking the community, who is Jaesa *&^%ing? Who or what was this darkness replacing you? Perhaps even that is over as well and now she's cold all out for "power" only. I put up a bunch of theories. What other theories do people have and what do people think of mine? And do people think we will find out by the end of the year?

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Ranos sounds pretty confident that whatever relationship you had with her, "its over". Dark Jaesa only cares about "Power". Let me stress "only" as in she doesn't care about you, because your name isn't "power". In her letter, she still had feelings somewhere in the time period of the 5 years you were in frozen carbonite. But by the time you speak to Master Ranos, "it's over".


This is why I'm asking the community, who is Jaesa *&^%ing? Who or what was this darkness replacing you? Perhaps even that is over as well and now she's cold all out for "power" only. I put up a bunch of theories. What other theories do people have and what do people think of mine? And do people think we will find out by the end of the year?


She says it's "probably over," because she doesn't know Jaesa or what her relationship was with the Warrior. She's never even met her. But since we're on the subject of what Ranos says, she mentions that Jaesa spends her time searching for Darkside artifacts on forgotten worlds, it doesn't sound like she has time for anyone else.


If you take everything Ranos says at face value then you would also have to conclude that Kira and Nadia are dead.

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... Jaesa spends her time searching for Darkside artifacts on forgotten worlds, it doesn't sound like she has time for anyone else.


If you take everything Ranos says at face value then you would also have to conclude that Kira and Nadia are dead.


Interesting that you said this. It may very well be she doesn't have time for anyone, because of her focus on seeking power ... unless there is someone who could lead her to that power like Lord Scourge trying to free Malgus from frozen carbonite because Malgus may have the spirit of the Vitiate inside him, for example. A story regarding the return of Scourge only makes sense if it is connected to the Vitiate, who made him immortal in the first place. According to Ranos, Scourge is seeking a way to end his immortality.


Regarding Kira, I speculate that she was captured by Arcan and also put in frozen carbonite like Malgus. And all that is said regarding Nadia is that she left to wild space and "never returned". This wild space according to Master Ranos involves Scourge, Jaesa, Nadia and Ashara.


However this goes down, I get the feeling that Bioware's writers are preparing the best stories yet to be told in SWTOR's history. Bioware can't accomplish that if any of these memorable Jedi and Sith characters died while you were frozen.

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I have never played a sith warrior, but i find Jaesa's letter heartbreaking. She is angry, hurt, upset, wants a sign from YOU, the love of her life. You cannot answer so she tries to make you jealous hoping that you will say something or appear out of nowhere and say "hey, you are MY wife! " and kick the other guy in the b***s.
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