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New Companion Dialogs


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I was wondering, since we are getting new companions and we are regaining some as well, will we ever get new dialogs for old and new companions. It really seems that when we got companions Theron Shan and Lana Beniko, we didn't really get to experience all they had to offer story and background wise.
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They'll probably continue to give Lana and Theron some dialogue since (so far) they're guaranteed to be in the story no matter what choices you make. Other characters are probably going to be more limited since they might be dead or otherwise not around based on your choices (plus there's a lot of other companions and more to come as class companions continue to return to the story).


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I would recommend keeping expectations low - I don't get the impression it's a priority.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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