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My Story Jedi covenant


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I was born on Courosant (SP) my name is Tika War, when I was little girl was taught to clean, wash, and keep the home, and mother was my greatest teacher. One day a long time ago, there was a War here and today we still see it all around our world. While living at home, there came a knock on our home door. Father was there an answered it, and to his surprise, it was a General from the Resistance and this General asked for me personally. "is there a Tika war" here he asked, and as I was taught be courteous and walked quietly over to where he stood.


He looked me over very strangely, then asked me "have you ever felt more than you are?" he asked, and I looked at him with question. He saw that and laughed, he then stated, "I had a Vision, in that Vision you were there, and some Jedi came to me and told me to find you. This Jedi knew of you some how, he was very positive about you and your future." My future? I asked, "yes and more, it seems there is something this Jedi can not see and though this Jedi is a Very Powerful Ally he can not see anything in the most Distant of your Future. "


this was not right how could this be I was thinking, no am just a girl and home maker, how can this be? Then another Knock came on the door, and out side was a Jedi, She was familiar, Tika Guardian, I had to ask my parents about this, and yes they told me I had a sister and she was now a Powerful Jedi. Well this was some real news to me, and so on that day I found my Sister I never knew.


Time was short I was told, we need to get you some place safe. Safe I said, whats not safe about here, home. "Well" my sister Exclaimed, "they are coming for you, to take you away and make you one of them." No I said this can't be, it just can't there has to be some kind of mistake. "No there is no Mistaking the signs" my Sister said, "this General will be your new Commander, you are to become a Powerful Commando Healer" uhm huh wha wa (can't speak as its just way too much to fathom) then it happened, there was a loud Bang some place off int he Distance, no I said this is not right how can this be, I am a little girl enjoying my Family home and Life, it just can't possibly be right.


the General - " Please Tika War come with me, you must for your own safety", so, saying good bye to mother and father I left with the General and Started my Training on Ord Mantel and the days were long, and hard but I was able to stand and continue as time went, even became a good shot with the weapons I was given.


Today years later I reflect on that day of how I came to be a Commando. Its been exciting, and frustrating but with guidance I have become what I was told I would be. My Adventures Began and with all the Bandits, Imperials and Beasts on the places I have visited I have learned many things of what it means to be a Healer for Supporting the troops and Teams.


Today my Life is good, and the force guides me, I learned that from my Sister. Since we have different roles am not able to visit my sister at all. One day maybe, but for now I am the Troop Support for all the battles I endure.


May the force Be In you with you and about you.

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