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Question for Story Devs: Will The Dark Council Ever Return?


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Because the Dark Council served the make up of the Sith Empire as it was in this era very well. Even with the Sith Emperor at the head of the Empire prior to his Voice's demise in the Jedi Knight story the Dark Council was the one that truly held the power. In the Ziost storyarc you can even state, when playing as Darth Nox/Occlus/Imperius, that the Dark Council has subverted the Emperor's authority and that they are the true power within the Sith Empire. That shows that there could have been no Sith Emperor and the power structure would remain the same as it were the Dark Council members who ran the Empire anyway.


And not all were killed, they were either killed or fled into unknown space. But a Dark Council could be reformed with new members sitting in it, like Cytherat, Eldon Ax, Darth Atroxa (if she survived), Darth Charnus, Darth Tormen, maybe some new faces to rose to prominence during the five year timeskip. Some old ones could return as well, Mortis, Ravage, for all we know they're alive and well.


Agreed, I'd love to see Eldon Ax in-game and Cythy as I call him is dead to me since I left him to die so I don't think he'll appear. Tormen died before Makeb I think, would be nice to see Charnus, Mortis and Ravage again.

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Agreed, I'd love to see Eldon Ax in-game and Cythy as I call him is dead to me since I left him to die so I don't think he'll appear. Tormen died before Makeb I think, would be nice to see Charnus, Mortis and Ravage again.


I really found Eldon Ax to be a very interesting character and I was sad she never made it into the game. Having her on a position as Dark Council member in a reformed Council would be amazing, I think.

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Running such a huge Empire is no small task. I think Vitiate didn't want to waste much time with trivial, day-to-day tasks. Also, ruling with power being split is better and more efficient, if they are able to work together well, which they apparently did, except occassional drama like when Baras caused trouble.


There are still plenty of Sith who can fill the empty seats. In my opinion, one of my favorite characters, Darth Zash has great potential to be a Dark Council member, given if she is able to find a new body. She has similar personality and abilities like Vowrawn. What I mostly like about them is their cheerful personality and that they usually act like normal people. They are also insightful, cunning, realistic, have great knowledge, good diplomatic skills, they value their allies, can work well with others when they have to, they are expert at powerplays, and they are not bloodthirsty or unnecessarily cruel.


There was also that man in the Inquisitor storyline, who had the mask of Kallig, Lord Khreusis. He seemed like a reasonable man, we don't know if he's still alive. You don't have to kill him and it turns out he is quite friendly, I could imagine him to be a member too.


The Dark Council needs reasonable people, not people who are too bloodthirsty, antisocial, crazy or have a god complex.

I also demand to put the Inquisitor back to the Council, we earned that title, they can't take that away from us.

Edited by Dylinrae
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Story Team, if I may ask one thing about the story? Why did the Dark Council have to be removed post-KotFE? I get that Acina had to make such a move if she wanted to become Empress of the Sith, but the Dark Council was such an iconic part of the SWTOR lore setting. I don't think we had something this unique in Star Wars before, where twelve Dark Lords of the Sith considered themselves among equals when together but secretly thought and acted differently, undermining one another and seeking to consolidate their power amongst themselves. The Sith politics played out amongst the Dark Council members was some of my absolute favourite content in both the game but also in the novels. It was such an iconic part of SWTOR that I really am sad that they had to be removed permanently (seemingly).


Please, please consider reinstating the Dark Council as the new Head of State of the Sith Empire in the future. Either have them assume the spot of Sith Emperor, or have it so that the strongest of Council members becomes Emperor/Empress (perhaps it could be a feature for PvP'ers like in ESO) for as long as they are considered to be such and can hold onto their power. It would be so cool and interesting to have different Sith Emperors and Empresses, perhaps our character the Commander being able to support one in their bid for the Sith Throne. With Vitiate there was one all powerful Emperor for so long, so having several with some short and some longer reigns would be a very interesting and intriguing feature.

The same would go for no Sith Emperor/Empress and the Dark Council seizing that power. They already oversaw the day-to-day government of the Sith Empire in the absence of the Sith Emperor. Perhaps an interesting thing could be to have Imperials sit on the Dark Council as well, a Grand Admiral, General or Moff who represents the non-Force Users in the Empire. Unlikely that it would happen as the Imperials are subservient to the Sith but it is an interesting idea I think to play with. But having the twelve Dark Council members be the head of the Sith Empire again would be really great and enhance the lore of the game. There would be so much potential for intriguing storylines regarding Sith politics there.


Darth Jadus and Malgus are still alive I'm wating for them to return maybe join forces with Jadus manipulating malgus or maybe fighting for control.

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Running such a huge Empire is no small task. I think Vitiate didn't want to waste much time with trivial, day-to-day tasks. Also, ruling with power being split is better and more efficient, if they are able to work together well, which they apparently did, except occassional drama like when Baras caused trouble.


There are still plenty of Sith who can fill the empty seats. In my opinion, one of my favorite characters, Darth Zash has great potential to be a Dark Council member, given if she is able to find a new body. She has similar personality and abilities like Vowrawn. What I mostly like about them is their cheerful personality and that they usually act like normal people. They are also insightful, cunning, realistic, have geat knowledge, good diplomacy skills, they value their allies, can work well with others when they have to, they are expert at powerplays, and they are not bloodthirsty or unnecessarily cruel.


There was also that man in the Inquisitor storyline, who had the mask of Kallig, Lord Khreusis. He seemed like a reasonable man, we don't know if he's still alive. You don't have to kill him and it turns out he is quite friendly, I could imagine him to be a member too.


The Dark Council needs reasonable people, not people who are too bloodthirsty, antisocial, crazy or have a god complex.

I also demand to put the Inquisitor back to the Council, we earned that title, they can't take that away from us.


I very much agree with your view and the people you mentioned would be great candidates for a reformed Dark Council. I would love for Zash to return, but the problem with that is that not all chose to keep her instead of Khem Val. Of course you could do that she escaped that mind trap but that would make the original companion story feel less meaningful. But that guy, Lord Khreusis would be a very great candidate. I'd love to see him back once more as he seemed like a cool guy and could have a great story potential if fleshed out.

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