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The Gallifreyan Legacy - My SWTOR Videos


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Greetings all! Many of you may recognize me from my KotOR Armor thread over in the CM requests section of the forums, or know me from Twitter, or even already are subscribed to my YT channel. But for those who are not, welcome! I thought I would make a thread here on the forums, just to share my videos else where! So far, I’ve only uploaded four characters; My Smuggler, my Light and Dark Sith Warriors, and my Jedi Consular, as well as videos for the Rakghoul Resurgence Event, the Nightlife Event, and my Shadow of Revan fan trailer. I’ve also been thinking of writing up some fan fiction to fill some holes/backstory for my characters, but with my summer class taking up time, it may not happen for a while! But I will update the thread on a weekly basis, with a "Recap" I guess would be the right word, of the videos I've posted in that week! :rak_05:


If you like what you’ve seen, and want to see more of my videos, go ahead and subscribe to my channel!


PS. I do realize that the ages for my characters may be a bit off, but I am going off of the dates on Wookieepedia, and in the SWTOR Encyclopedia.


:sy_republic:The Gallifreyan Legacy:sy_empire:

"Never cowardly or cruel. Never give up, never give in."

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Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa

Age: 28 (Prologue/Chapter I)

Birth Year: 18 BTC [3671 BBY]

Ship: XS Stock Light Freighter (The Hawk's Claw)

Droids: CE Series Minimech Mouse Droid "MiMi"


<The Captain is a Smuggler/Gunslinger, and was my first character I got to every level cap, and is my main character. He loves his ship, his family and his mouse droid. He’ll flirt with any woman he meets, except for Jedi, since his baby sisters are Jedi. Although he’s flirted with Satele, so…>



Homeworld: Ziost

Age: 27 (Prologue/Chapter I)

Birth Year: 17 BTC [3670 BBY]

Ship: Fury-class Imperial interceptor (The Pantheon)

Droid: CM Series Minimech Mouse Droid "CM-12"


<Karvrik is my Light Side Sith Warrior/Marauder. When I decided to record the Sith Warrior story, I wanted to get both the Light and Dark versions, since they are both different enough. He was trained at the Ziost Sith Academy by the Academy’s headmaster (his father), until he was sent to the Korriban Academy to complete his trials.>



Homeworld: Ryloth

Age: 27 (Prologue/Chapter I)

Birth Year: 17 BTC [3670 BBY]

Ship: Fury-class Imperial interceptor (The Scimitar)

Droid: N/A


<Shinzon is my Dark Side Sith Warrior/Juggernaught. While not part of my “Main” legacy, and made only to record the Dark Side version of the Sith Warrior story, in some of the fan fiction I’ve plotted and written out, He is a character that shows up around Shadow of Revan for “Spoiler reasons”. But, Shinzon was sold to the Sith Empire as a slave, but was discovered to be by a Chiss Sith Lord, and trained under him on Dromund Kaas, and later sent to Korriban to complete his Sith trials.>




Jedi Brieesia "Briea" Geslin

Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa (Adopted)

Age: 23 (Prologue/Chapter I)

Birth Year: 14 BTC [3667 BBY]

Ship: Defender-class light corvette (The White Star)

Droid: M8-M0 series Astromech Droid "M2-GE or Maggie"


<Briea is a Jedi Consular/Shadow and the adopted sister of my Smuggler. I felt like the female Consular voice felt perfectly with the Sith Pureblood. I actually got the credits for the legacy unlock during the first Rakghoul event, between jumping from the VIP area and infecting people with the plague, and playing the GTN. Briea’s birth parents were slaves in the Empire, and were murdered when the Sith Lord who controlled her birth homeworld killed his slaves before the Republic attacked, and her parents hid her in their home. Later, when the Republic did arrive, she was found by a lieutenant from Havoc Squad and was officially adopted by that lieutenant later. As to how she joined the Order, well… that is a long story.>


Other videos - Event Cutscenes and 'The Fall of the Prodigal Knight' SoR Fan Trailer.


<These are just the combined cutscenes for the two events I've uploaded (The Rakghoul Resurgence, and the Nightlife event), and my video editing pride and joy; "The Fall of the Prodigal Knight", a fan trailer I made for Shadow of Revan, and for my video editing class final.>

Edited by LtGeneralGezlin
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Greetings all! Here are this weeks videos (Some were a bit late, but that is because I have class on Monday and Wednesdays) for your entertainment!



Wednesday: The Sith Warrior Story on Alderaan for



And today,

for my Smuggler.


I don't normally plan to upload videos on Saturdays, but I wanted to finish uploading the Smuggler Companion videos before I uploaded the Jedi Prisoner Flashpoints!


Since I am going to be uploading videos of both the Jedi Prisoner and Call to Arms FP arcs for all my characters, I am wondering if I should record and upload the Revanite questline cutscenes for my Imperial characters. Any suggestions?

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Greetings all! Here are this weeks videos.




Wednesday: The Sith Warrior Story

for Lord Karvrik and
for Lord Shinzon



I don't normally plan to upload videos on Saturdays, but I wanted to finish uploading the Smuggler Companion videos before I uploaded the Jedi Prisoner Flashpoints!


Since I am going to be uploading videos of both the Jedi Prisoner and Call to Arms FP arcs for all my characters, I am wondering if I should record and upload the Revanite questline cutscenes for my Imperial characters. Any suggestions?


So, after I posted this, I decided, what the heck? And have started recording the Revanite questline and the Nar Shaddaa quest with Revan's Vault (Even though it is a pain to find outfits to match what my Warriors were wearing on DK). And those (At least for my Warriors) Will be part of next weeks upload.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Sunday, all! Patch 5.3 is almost upon us (I am totally looking forward to the new Stronghold! :rak_09:). Here are the last weeks videos, I have family visiting, so I wasn't able to get this written out yesterday, but it is here today!


Monday: The first video from the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion:


and the
for Lord Karvrik and
and the
for Lord Shinzon



for Lord Karvrik and
for Lord Shinzon



Trying to get the Order of Revan and The Infinate Engine stuff recorded was a pain for my two Warriors, since bits of their outfits are no longer in the game. But, you'd be surprised how the Lashaa Aegis Vestments with a secondary gray dye in them look like the Black Talon Marauder's robes. I was thinking of also recording the Gree stuff on Coruscant, but some how I think that would be even more work trying to find matching outfits for those characters...


Also, if you haven't subscribed to my channel already, please do!

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