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Just reset my quest chain already!!


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It's been WEEKS since the bug that's prevented some from getting Quinn or Dorne. Fixed twice so far and still many are without them, although to CS it's just "a handful" who are still bugged. If that's the case and all other issues that caused this bug or related to this bug are fixed, just reset the chain for the handful and let's get on with it. Instead we get just be patient. I've been patient before and issues never addressed. This is one of those issues it seems because you guys just refuse to even talk about it outside of tickets. I'm sure it can't be as easy a fix as just resetting the chain for those in need, but give us some detail and ETA on a fix. You may not see this as an issue that inhibits Game play, but it does. I have many alts and I refuse to do anything until this is fixed because I've no guarantee they will not bug out the same way. You may say, no it's fine. But you also said it was now fixed and we see that's just not true.
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Yeah checked it first thing. Was really all I read of the notes. As soon as I read the problem was fixed and they could be retrieved at the terminal, I closed notes, logged in and went straight there. Imagine my disappointment when they were not there and double checking my comp list. Left a ticket. Did some stuff and later logged out on fleet. Next afternoon logged on to find my toon standing back in front of terminal. Clicked on the help icon and saw I had a response from CS. Got a little happy thinking it was fixed and they placed me there to get them. No such luck. It was just their way of saying "Yep, we checked and you are right. You're screwed. Hahahahaha!!" K, they didn't say that, but that's the punch in the gut I got from it. Said there are still a "handful" who are unable to get them back, they are sorry, nothing they can do right now but be patient, it will be addressed at a latter date undetermined. Just not happy with the effort on this small bug. I demand my items off Quinn or a few free cartel packs whilst I wait. :rolleyes:
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