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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please return the Dire Eliminator Chestguard and add Cartel Unlock


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Recently I went to the Cartel on the Fleet intent to buy some more of the Dire Eliminator Chestguard's which I have been using as a uniform to equip across all my Jedi Knight companions, only to discover that it is no longer available.


Could we please see a return of this item as it is the only way you can achieve this look for a Republic character (There are 2 ways to get in Imp-side but the only other alternatives such as the Destroyer Armour are different in style).


I have been making us of this Armour while filming all the cut-scenes of the game and really want to continue using it, especially as you are now adding in more ways to modify companion appearance for KOTET Allies.


Even if the item can not be return, could we have a way to unlock it in collections. The item itself appears in collection as part of the Cartel market category but unlike the Eradicator Set you cannot get it to global unlock.




- Raith

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