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Are we playing the same game?


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We have 3 defensive cooldowns --


Saber Ward

Cloak of Pain (nearly 100% uptime for Annihilation)

Undying Rage (protip: you can run through the fire in Huttball with Undying Rage)


We have 4 possible gap-closers/escapes --


Force Charge

Obliterate (Rage; 40% additional sprint if specced)


Force Camouflage (100% immunity if specced)


We have a cheap interrupt on a short cooldown (leaves only a 2 second window for Annihilation).

We have a cheap snare (Rage and Annihilation each get another) with no cooldown with Crippling Slash.

We have a (the only?) healing debuff with a 10m range that immobilizes for Carnage.

We have a channeled stun that does good damage to finish off a healer (especially following it up with Vicious Throw).

We have an AoE disorient in Intimidating Roar.

We can neuter a melee/shooting class with Obfuscate.

Carnage can get 100% armor pen for 6 seconds (protip: with one of your "OP" friends' 30m 4s stun (*GASP* TEAMWORK IN A WARZONE?), Gore -> Ravage -> (probably auto-crit) Force Scream is basically a guaranteed kill)


Obviously, you can't have all of these tools at the same time. However, each spec provides more than enough of these tools to excel in pvp. Every skill I mentioned should be keybound. Personally, I use 1-5 and `, Shift + 1-5 and Shift + `, 1-6 on my gaming mouse (Razer Naga), Shift + 1-6 on the Naga, and a few other misc. keybinds. There are probably better setups out there, but this is what works for me.


I encourage those who are spending time on the forums claiming the class is underpowered to instead spend that time playing the class and getting used to using every tool at your disposal. To get used to using the cornucopia of tools that WoW's Rogue had, I keybound them all as I trained them leveling up and used them CONSTANTLY while questing. Yes, I would Blind extra adds, I would Kick useless spells, etc. It wasn't needed... at all (leveling in WoW is a cakewalk), but what it did was train the muscle memory in a largely stress-free environment -- trying to learn your class initially through pvp can be frustrating, to say the least.


Marauders do not need a buff, and I desperately hope that they don't try and make the class any easier. It is so rewarding to learn to how to play this class -- far more rewarding than any other class in SWTOR. I encourage the vocal forum population to try and do so.

Edited by fbgm
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Today my lvl 50 marauder was 3 shot by a lvl 29 smuggler. Good day.


It should cost money every time you want to post on the forums, if only to reduce stupid posts like these.


As to the OP, Berserk -> Gore -> Massacre x 5 is infinitely better than using Gore on Ravage.


But, yes, the general gist of us being fairly awesome I'm totally in agreement with. :D

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