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How much grinding do you have to do before this mode becomes playable?


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I was interpreting the bonus day on a weekend as an "ideal" situation for the GSF queue and while it was the most consistent since I came back it also didn't quite match up to strong nights in 4.0.

"Bonus Day" brings on more matches, but it also tanks their quality because people can get their 'bonus' by parking in a corner or under a satellite and AFKing. You don't actually have to participate meaningfully in order to reap the benefits of the non-GSF rewards. There is no incentive for people interested in non-GSF grind reduction to actually learn anything about the game.


The question that this part evoked in me is : Why do people stream it, then, if they do know that they are completely destroying the other team ? Is it an ego thing ?

If you are asking why they continue to stream during a blowout-in-progress, it is because ending a broadcast abruptly is not going to be looked upon favorably by most audiences. Imagine if televised sports broadcasts simply went to black when some arbitrary condition of failure was crossed by the losing side. This would not go over well. It would be similarly unsportsmanlike and mockingly risible if a streamer were to suddenly cut their stream when they begin losing.


If you're asking why they stream when the opposition has been blown out for one or more games, it is because they have scheduled a broadcast and it is unknown who will or won't show up to oppose them. A situation where one side is being blown out can be turned around by as little as one very good player showing up. The balance can shift quickly. Even if a team of four good players is streaming, the balance of power can vary wildly depending on the remaining 12 to 20 players in the matches.


- Despon

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The question that this part evoked in me is : Why do people stream it, then, if they do know that they are completely destroying the other team ? Is it an ego thing ?


Despon already did a good job answering it but since I'm the streamer in question I thought I should chime in.


I stream because I really enjoy entertaining other people, even if the game itself might not be entertaining all the time (like when were in queue for instance) I try to keep a conversation going with either my teammates in voice chat or with the viewers in the streams chat.


Not all games can be super awesome premade vs premade coordinated amazingness. However contrary to popular belief we actually get those games more often then people think. In fact we even *gasp* lose games!



As for why I continue streaming if it's a blowout or if it's been multiple blow outs that simple. A regular schedule is best way to reach your audience and at that I stream pretty much the same 3 hour block 4-5 nights a week. People can count on me to be streaming in that time block, just like you would watch your favorite TV channel they can come watch me play GSF.


I play with a team because premade vs premade games are why I play this game, coordinating my team vs another one is the very best experience this game has to offer in my opinion.



The other reason I got into streaming is kind of a sad one. I got so many hate messages and/or accusations of hacking I felt like I had to broadcast myself playing all my games. Other then a few games here and there when I only have time to log on for one game I still do stream every single one of my games.


Lastly my favorite part of streaming was one I didn't expect when I decided to start streaming and that's been teaching. I love teaching newer or even players that have been at it for awhile GSF. I answer every single question that get's asked in my twitch chat. (Sometimes my teammates do it for me) The blowout games are actually perfect times to demonstrate something I might have been explaining to a newer player because often in those games I'm literally flying around doing nothing collecting power ups for fun or what not. I'll put the ship they want to learn on my bar and fly in it or explain something they asked about.



I hope that answers your question on why I continue streaming Alrik and I invite you to come check it out one night. The link to the stream is my signature, I'll actually be streaming tonight at midnight Eastern time as usual. :)

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"Bonus Day" brings on more matches, but it also tanks their quality because people can get their 'bonus' by parking in a corner or under a satellite and AFKing. You don't actually have to participate meaningfully in order to reap the benefits of the non-GSF rewards. There is no incentive for people interested in non-GSF grind reduction to actually learn anything about the game.


- Despon


Yeah but we had those even before the GC incentive existed. I've watched pilots grow and become extremely effective and I've also seen pilots plateau. The pilot that inspired me the most to get better was on a few of the days I've been back and despite being out of practice just watching him for a few short windows I could still recognize his overall ability was still superior to mine. But I can blow him up now so its okay!


But I do have to emphasize that I almost never made it to the point of getting better. There's a fine line between giving up out of frustration and learning how to perform better despite said frustration.

The question that this part evoked in me is : Why do people stream it, then, if they do know that they are completely destroying the other team ? Is it an ego thing ?


While Drak isn't the only streamer, it's true that those that do tend to do it with a group that generally dominates their matches as they rarely face strong opposition short of player organized events. Unfortunately with the lack of overall participation, the queue can literally run out of pilots to fulfill even a basic 8v8 match when those groups disband and stop playing.


Personally I think streaming GSF is nearly a fruitless endeavor as popular streams tend to require a popular game and/or an attractive female for male gamers to fawn over. (In fairness that's just my opinion based on my personal experience when I watched League of Legends streams.) But it's true that some players will stream to prove their innocence when the accusations fly. I can't speak for the streamers but I'm sure they have their reasons - and as for stopping mid-stream during complete domination, interrupting the stream for every such occasion would leave little to stream if anything at all anyway.


As far as ego goes, I can tell you that every regular pilot has one in varying degrees. I would also go out on a limb and say that overall the community has a level of general respect once a pilot reaches a certain skill level. For example, I may disagree with Despon on his views from time to time but there's always a mutual respect for each other's individual ability. Of course I'll let Despon correct me if I'm wrong and he thinks I'm total trash =p

Edited by SeCKSEgai
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