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I'm having a really tough time in unranked.


To start, I have two pieces of t4 (my weapons), the rest is a mix between t1/t2. I'm playing concentration with proper talents, and am Sentinel on Harbinger. (Fulyly


Granted, I am playing with people who are atrociously terrible (unless I que with a couple of friends). Every once in a while I will get lucky and have good teammtes, but otherwise, yes pub side on Harby is awful.


Here's the rub. I cannot solo a merc or a sniper. It is damn near impossible. If they have any skill, I have no chance whatsoever. The only time I can beat one is if their gear is on par with mine and they are terrible players. A sniper can literally sit in cover and tank all of my damage, and by the time I have to camo and run away, he is near full health. Before you ask, yes, I am using all cooldowns, including pacify.


I have been pvping in MMOs for 10 years now, my skill is not the issue. Are these two classes really that unbalanced? or is there something I'm missing.

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I play vigi guardians in pvp. Also on harby. Yes it's painful. There is a class balance coming that will hopefully address some of these issues (update 5.3).


Please note that my issue with snipers and mercs has nothing to do with damage output. My beef is with the survivability (DCD and melee avoidance capacity) combined with the damage output.

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I'm having a really tough time in unranked.


To start, I have two pieces of t4 (my weapons), the rest is a mix between t1/t2. I'm playing concentration with proper talents, and am Sentinel on Harbinger. (Fulyly


Granted, I am playing with people who are atrociously terrible (unless I que with a couple of friends). Every once in a while I will get lucky and have good teammtes, but otherwise, yes pub side on Harby is awful.


Here's the rub. I cannot solo a merc or a sniper. It is damn near impossible. If they have any skill, I have no chance whatsoever. The only time I can beat one is if their gear is on par with mine and they are terrible players. A sniper can literally sit in cover and tank all of my damage, and by the time I have to camo and run away, he is near full health. Before you ask, yes, I am using all cooldowns, including pacify.


I have been pvping in MMOs for 10 years now, my skill is not the issue. Are these two classes really that unbalanced? or is there something I'm missing.



Mercs and Snipers are extremely OP, it's not just you. This meta is not a melee friendly one. This isn't to say you can't do well, it's just considerably more challanging with the numbers of mercs and snipers you see in Wzs. Every WZ has 3-5 mercs and a few snipers, it's rediculous. As bad as Mercs are, Snipers are worse when it comes to melee. They have way to much control over us, it's obscene. They have a counter to pretty much whatever you throw at them and the simply fact is they can hit you and a good amount of the time, you cannot hit them back.


Adding insult to injury, they gave Snipers [the supposed other 'pure DPS class' to us] self heals, leaving Marauders the only class in the game without self heals. [Which is right and proper, pure DPS classes shouldn't have self-heals, but neither should Snipers].


The irony is you are playing Concentraition/Fury, which of the three specs has the easist time dealing with Snipers because of the anti-CC passives they get heh! It's even worse for the other two specs.


Simply put, against an equally skilled sniper, you will lose.

That's not to say you can't beat a Sniper, you can and in fact I do sometimes as Carnage. But, if you can beat a Sniper, it's only because they are less skilled at their class and you are more skilled at yours.


Mercs aren't really so hard to hurt, that's not the problem with them like it is with Snipers, it's that you literally have to kill them 2 or 3 times over to make it stick because of their h2F and god shields.


Marauder DCDs are awesome, there is no question about that, but any one who thinks they make up for the fact that Marauders are the only class in the game that doesn't have self heals and practically everyone they will fight does to some extent is foolish. It is not an issue of the DCDs effectiveness, it's soley an issue of uptime of the DCDs and the legnth of the cool downs. When you have 3 minute cool downs on two of your 3 DCDs and you do the math covering all the DCDs lengths vs the cooldowns, you still spend 65% of the time of your average legnth WZ without any active DCD due to cooldowns. So that means 65% of the time you have no damage mitigation and no way to replenish lost health.


If you are on a team with no healer, you are going to die a lot. I don't care what anyone says, without a healer Marauders do not have good survivability, unless you consider delaying your death by 4 seconds good survivability. Force camo is a great escape, but it is a terrible as a DCD for the simple fact that you cannot use it while you are fighting because if you do the second you attack you lose all it's effects. That said, with an attentive healer, you can be a God of War and between your dcds and some heals thrown your way now and again you can survive well.


Mercs and Snipers have better DCDS, they both have self heals, they can both face tank just as good as any tank spec, they have ranged advantages, they have tons of CC and they put out high DPS.


One piece of advice, and this just from my opinion from my experience, so take it with a grain of salt. If there is a Sniper within attack range of you [ and by that I mean they are in range to hit you, so 35'] attack the sniper and sit on him as much as you possibly can which wont be for very long if they know what they are doing. They push you away, you go back, they root you, when that is gone, go back to them. This may seem foolish and it is a DPS loss because they mitigate stupid amounts of damage, but the reality is Snipers in particular [and even mercs to a lesser extent] if they see a Marauder and we're pretty obvious, they ARE going to target you 85% of the time because if you let them freecast on you, you're an easy kill, and a kill that could do boatloads of damage to their team mates. You're the melee they are going to want dead first because Marauders are good at hounding healers and making them have to focus on you more than the rest of their group's health at times.


Mercs are getting some nerfs next month, to what extent we don't yet know, I'm confident snipers will be soon to follow, so keep your fingers crossed.


You're not alone in this, I assure you. Best of Luck.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Mercs and Snipers are extremely OP, it's not just you. This meta is not a melee friendly one. This isn't to say you can't do well, it's just considerably more challanging with the numbers of mercs and snipers you see in Wzs. Every WZ has 3-5 mercs and a few snipers, it's rediculous. As bad as Mercs are, Snipers are worse when it comes to melee. They have way to much control over us, it's obscene. They have a counter to pretty much whatever you throw at them and the simply fact is they can hit you and a good amount of the time, you cannot hit them back.


Adding insult to injury, they gave Snipers [the supposed other 'pure DPS class' to us] self heals, leaving Marauders the only class in the game without self heals. [Which is right and proper, pure DPS classes shouldn't have self-heals, but neither should Snipers].


The irony is you are playing Concentraition/Fury, which of the three specs has the easist time dealing with Snipers because of the anti-CC passives they get heh! It's even worse for the other two specs.


Simply put, against an equally skilled sniper, you will lose.

That's not to say you can't beat a Sniper, you can and in fact I do sometimes as Carnage. But, if you can beat a Sniper, it's only because they are less skilled at their class and you are more skilled at yours.


Mercs aren't really so hard to hurt, that's not the problem with them like it is with Snipers, it's that you literally have to kill them 2 or 3 times over to make it stick because of their h2F and god shields.


Marauder DCDs are awesome, there is no question about that, but any one who thinks they make up for the fact that Marauders are the only class in the game that doesn't have self heals and practically everyone they will fight does to some extent is foolish. It is not an issue of the DCDs effectiveness, it's soley an issue of uptime of the DCDs and the legnth of the cool downs. When you have 3 minute cool downs on two of your 3 DCDs and you do the math covering all the DCDs lengths vs the cooldowns, you still spend 65% of the time of your average legnth WZ without any active DCD due to cooldowns. So that means 65% of the time you have no damage mitigation and no way to replenish lost health.


If you are on a team with no healer, you are going to die a lot. I don't care what anyone says, without a healer Marauders do not have good survivability, unless you consider delaying your death by 4 seconds good survivability. Force camo is a great escape, but it is a terrible as a DCD for the simple fact that you cannot use it while you are fighting because if you do the second you attack you lose all it's effects. That said, with an attentive healer, you can be a God of War and between your dcds and some heals thrown your way now and again you can survive well.


Mercs and Snipers have better DCDS, they both have self heals, they can both face tank just as good as any tank spec, they have ranged advantages, they have tons of CC and they put out high DPS.


One piece of advice, and this just from my opinion from my experience, so take it with a grain of salt. If there is a Sniper within attack range of you [ and by that I mean they are in range to hit you, so 35'] attack the sniper and sit on him as much as you possibly can which wont be for very long if they know what they are doing. They push you away, you go back, they root you, when that is gone, go back to them. This may seem foolish and it is a DPS loss because they mitigate stupid amounts of damage, but the reality is Snipers in particular [and even mercs to a lesser extent] if they see a Marauder and we're pretty obvious, they ARE going to target you 85% of the time because if you let them freecast on you, you're an easy kill, and a kill that could do boatloads of damage to their team mates. You're the melee they are going to want dead first because Marauders are good at hounding healers and making them have to focus on you more than the rest of their group's health at times.


Mercs are getting some nerfs next month, to what extent we don't yet know, I'm confident snipers will be soon to follow, so keep your fingers crossed.


You're not alone in this, I assure you. Best of Luck.


Excellent response.


I appreciate the depth and length. How long has this meta been around? I quit in late 2015


EDIT: Also wanted to ask you. Can a sniper get off all of his skills when you're on top of him? I seem to remember when I played mine way back when, you couldn't use certain abilities unless a target was at least 5m away from you. Because right now It seems they are just beefier, higher dmg, higher utility versions of sentinels.

Edited by sturmypants
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All things being even you should beable to take down a sniper with concentration spec, it's a pretty solid counter to the sniper since the 6 seconds of CC immunity gives you some time to lay down a rotation, plus he may blow his knockback and stun right off the bat not even realizing your immune, if he does that, just lay into him, save your snare break and speed boost for his roll & leg shot on you.


It really does just boil down to how good the sniper is. If he sees immunity up he will roll away and then use his leg shot and cover pulse when it wears off, in that instance you need to have your breaks ready.


If you are fighting an engie sniper its a lot of work - prob gonna lose if hes good. MM should be an ez kill, save force camo and blitz for ambush cast and you just screwed his damage over big time. Penetrating blast can easily be handed with one DCD. MM are pretty pathetic to fight actually if you do it right.


Snipers range upclose makes no difference. He can still use all his stuff even at 0m.

Edited by DenariusJay
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