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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What happens to the legacy unlocks if you delete character or server/transfer


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Sorry, not quite sure what is meant by source and destination. Anyone elaborate on this? Thanks.


Oh, I guess what is meant is if I have characters on the server already. Whichever is higher is used.

Edited by Vigilark
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If you transfer servers, your legacy comes with your character; if you have a legacy on that server already, the two merge. If you delete a character, all there contributions stay within the legacy as it was not tied to that character but to the legacy.
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Sorry, not quite sure what is meant by source and destination. Anyone elaborate on this?

Source - the server you want to transfer from

Destination - the server you want to transfer to. If there's no legacy on the destination, your source legacy is simply copied. If there is a Legacy on the destination, the two are merged, keeping the best results from both.


Once something is unlocked in your Legacy, it remains unlocked regardless of the status of the particular character that unlocked it.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Additionally, even if you delete (or transfer) every character from the server, the Legacy remains. And if you create a new character on that "empty" server, they will be a part of that "old" Legacy. You won't create a "new" Legacy on the server when you make that new character.
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