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Server Hopping Republic GSF Weirdos are Ruining Queue's

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What's the sense in snatching away as much kills as possible from me as a Newbie so that I'm rendered into being a non-contributor ?

I just want to emphasize this point:



If you are shooting at the enemy, and have properly aimed your shot, that counts as a 'hit' on your scoreboard Hit% even if it deals no damage because of Evasion.


Any shot you land on an enemy counts as contribution in fulfilling the game's requirement that you interact with other game objects, in the metaphorical sense that you are contributing to your team's success, and in the personal sense that if you shoot someone and that player later is destroyed, you get credit for an Assist on the scoreboard... and that Assist is worth as much requisition as a kill.


Take a look at this screenshot of a match in which my final tally was:


0 kills, 40 assists, 4 deaths


Note that I gained 1968 Ship Requisition for my participation in that match. That came from racking up 40 assists.


Were my kills stolen?



Was I penalized for not finishing off kills, a large percentage of which undoubtedly were mine given my 110178 damage dealt?



Were my assists somehow an inadequate contribution to my team in a metaphysical sense or in the case of personal fulfillment?

You be the judge.


- Despon

Edited by caederon
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Anecdotally, which I am sure you will point out can be discounted by however much you value someone's personal experience, I have found the days where this phenomenon is at its worst are CXP Bonus Days. Unless these are stealthy Conquesters trying to throw shade on noble CXP farmers, it's certainly part of the problem even if not necessarily the whole thing.


And hey, I am indeed aware of how GSF participation is rewarded. I even made a whole video talking solely about

so that people could get up to speed, see how to earn medals, and benefit from both the sweet CXP they award and also from the Conquest rewards (which do, in fact, incentivize Conquistadors to play).


Even with all of these incentives, people continue doing their best barnacle impersonation and or using their ships to survey friendly spawn points like they're planning to build a mall there.


Perhaps my differentiation came to a conclusion differentiated from your own. What a surprise that would be.


- Despon


but but.....we need a new mall. think of all the business we could bring in with a new mall.....and it has to go RIGHT THERE!!!.

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So I can queue at Level 1, get my 2 naked nonsense ships, and hop into a match where I get destroyed and say "yeah, never playing this again" which is more to my first point.


Or...people could do like I did and go "Wow...those guys are good...I need to queue more, so I can get better!" Man, was I excited when I hit my first 15% hit a few weeks ago (been queuing for 2 years now).

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Having now read all of the posts. Despon I really like you and what you are trying to do. I don't know if you ever fly on BC but I hope that if you do i'm on to fly with/against you. believe me i'll be revisiting all those guides again. Like you I fly because I love to fly. I have tried to build up GSF on BC some of our really good pilots have moved on to other servers. or on to other games. i'm rambling. if you do fly on BC ask for Hamlinius that's my main. or Arrow One. or Javelin One on Impside.
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Having now read all of the posts. Despon I really like you and what you are trying to do. I don't know if you ever fly on BC but I hope that if you do i'm on to fly with/against you. believe me i'll be revisiting all those guides again. Like you I fly because I love to fly. I have tried to build up GSF on BC some of our really good pilots have moved on to other servers. or on to other games. i'm rambling. if you do fly on BC ask for Hamlinius that's my main. or Arrow One. or Javelin One on Impside.

Fun fact: I started out on BC and flew 1000+ matches there. Then I became one of the original 'server hopping weirdos' as BC's GSF scene kind of died down. I've dropped back in at various times, but it's usually pretty difficult to actually get in a match there... and the population that I've run into isn't really well positioned to take on veteran opposition. Still, if there's a time when I'm likely to not have to wait an hour to get a match there, I'd probably stop in. It's great that you're encouraging people there to revitalize the scene. I'd be pleased to see it turn into a competitive destination again.


- Despon

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