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Imperial Honor Guard, post KotFE?


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So in the Revan novel it is mentioned that the Imperial Guard is enhanced with the Dark Side, and made to be completely loyal to Emperor Vitiate. The Imperial Guard went insane during the SoR expansion, and later on we see that in KotFE Acina is now guarded by these "Imperial Honor Guards".


My question is that is there an official explanation for these new guards, are they similar to the old Imperial Guards but just enslaved to Acina, or are they more comparable to the Senate Guard during the Clone Wars era?

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So in the Revan novel it is mentioned that the Imperial Guard is enhanced with the Dark Side, and made to be completely loyal to Emperor Vitiate. The Imperial Guard went insane during the SoR expansion, and later on we see that in KotFE Acina is now guarded by these "Imperial Honor Guards".


My question is that is there an official explanation for these new guards, are they similar to the old Imperial Guards but just enslaved to Acina, or are they more comparable to the Senate Guard during the Clone Wars era?

Minor correction: the insane ones were on Yavin, probably because of extended exposure and proximity to the bound spirit of Vitiate. The other Imperial Guard that you meet (example: Lord Wossname who gives you the planetary arc on Belsavis) seemed pretty sane on a scale of the usual Sith sanity.


Acina's guards might be the same, or might be a different organisation wearing the same uniforms. Hard to say, given the amount of information we haven't seen on these questions.

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My guess would be that they're just elite guards of the Empress, without any special rituals or techniques involved. Malgus' short lived "New Empire" also used the same stylistics for his personal guard, but I don't think there was an actual connection between that "New Imperial Guard" and those serving Vitiate. Whoever tries to control the Empire simply uses the recognizable symbols of power.


There might be more to it of course, as Acina was heading the Sphere of Technology and probably has vast knowleage about the dark side. Still, she seems like someone who wouldn't risk exploring the dark techniques of Vitiate that much, she had enough experience with Dread Masters and other atrocities created by the Emperor to know that's not the right path for the Empire.

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They are the same Imperial Guards, remember the Emperor was not actively ruling, and these guards enforced his will. That is why Commander Callum, did not respond to the Threat of the Wrath or Bowed to him when he asked ( on Belsavis --- Dread Master story).


The ones who were closest to the emperor, would have a stronger connection than the ones who were scattered across the galaxy. Those on Yavin 4 went mad because they were weaned off the Emperor's Dark side influence (drug).


With the Emperor gone silent (presumed dead -- incorporeal) the Honor Guards still serves the Empire. What else would they do?

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They are the same Imperial Guards, remember the Emperor was not actively ruling, and these guards enforced his will. That is why Commander Callum, did not respond to the Threat of the Wrath or Bowed to him when he asked ( on Belsavis --- Dread Master story).


The ones who were closest to the emperor, would have a stronger connection than the ones who were scattered across the galaxy. Those on Yavin 4 went mad because they were weaned off the Emperor's Dark side influence (drug).


With the Emperor gone silent (presumed dead -- incorporeal) the Honor Guards still serves the Empire. What else would they do?


Nope, all we're told in the game suggests that the Vitiate's Imperial Guard was effectively wiped out when Empire denounced him and the Dark Council claimed ultimate authority. Guard was loyal to Vitiate personally and not the Sith as whole, so when he was overthrown they were consider enemies of the state, just like the Hand/other serving him directly. The Imperial Guardsmen on Yavin were probably the only remnants of the old organization - whether individual members of the Guard were allowed to denounce Vitiate and join the new organization we don't know, but it's definitely not the same Guard, especially when it goes to leadership and organization.


Remember that for Vitiate Empire was only a tool, a vechicle for his drive to immortality and it's whole power structure was created to serve him directly, not benefit the State as whole. Imperial Guard, the Hand, the Wrath, were more than anything set up to control the Sith and crush any and all dissent. They were hated and feared and would be first targets after overthrowing Vitiate. The Wrath avioided this fate probably thanks Darth Vowrawn and the fact he/she was forced into his/her position, but the officers of the Guard and members of the Hand would be hunted down without remorse.

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Nope, all we're told in the game suggests that the Vitiate's Imperial Guard was effectively wiped out when Empire denounced him and the Dark Council claimed ultimate authority. Guard was loyal to Vitiate personally and not the Sith as whole, so when he was overthrown they were consider enemies of the state, just like the Hand/other serving him directly. The Imperial Guardsmen on Yavin were probably the only remnants of the old organization - whether individual members of the Guard were allowed to denounce Vitiate and join the new organization we don't know, but it's definitely not the same Guard, especially when it goes to leadership and organization.


Remember that for Vitiate Empire was only a tool, a vechicle for his drive to immortality and it's whole power structure was created to serve him directly, not benefit the State as whole. Imperial Guard, the Hand, the Wrath, were more than anything set up to control the Sith and crush any and all dissent. They were hated and feared and would be first targets after overthrowing Vitiate. The Wrath avioided this fate probably thanks Darth Vowrawn and the fact he/she was forced into his/her position, but the officers of the Guard and members of the Hand would be hunted down without remorse.


Everyone in the Empire served the Emperor. Full stop. The Dark Council was the body that managed the Empire's affairs and the Imperial Guards was the body that ensured that the Dark Council handled the Empire's affairs in the Interest of the Emperor.


The Wrath answered Directly to the Emperor and not the Dark Council and could not be challenged. Anyone who reported directly to the Emperor was outside the influenced of the Dark Council/Empire. When the Emperor was presumed dead, the only people who knew otherwise was the Hands. The Empire did not really know what the Emperor was up to. As far as they know the Jedi led an assault on Dromund Kaas and killed his corporeal body. So, what reason would they have of Declaring the Imperial Guards as traitors? Remember that the events of Rishi and Yavin 4 had nothing to do with the Empire or Repulic (technically). it was Marr and Satele who formed an alliace of their own and took down Revan. Obviously, the events on Ziost is really when it all came to past

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Everyone in the Empire served the Emperor. Full stop. The Dark Council was the body that managed the Empire's affairs and the Imperial Guards was the body that ensured that the Dark Council handled the Empire's affairs in the Interest of the Emperor.


The Wrath answered Directly to the Emperor and not the Dark Council and could not be challenged. Anyone who reported directly to the Emperor was outside the influenced of the Dark Council/Empire. When the Emperor was presumed dead, the only people who knew otherwise was the Hands. The Empire did not really know what the Emperor was up to. As far as they know the Jedi led an assault on Dromund Kaas and killed his corporeal body. So, what reason would they have of Declaring the Imperial Guards as traitors? Remember that the events of Rishi and Yavin 4 had nothing to do with the Empire or Repulic (technically). it was Marr and Satele who formed an alliace of their own and took down Revan. Obviously, the events on Ziost is really when it all came to past


Marr clearly stated on Yavin already that Vitiate is his "former Emperor" and at this time Imperials already consider him their "past ruler". I don't know if exact details were ever given, but the Empire denounced Vitiate definitely BEFORE Ziost and exactly because the Imperial Guard didn't respond to the Dark Council, they would be destoyed after he was officialy "deposed".


As much as I've always read it officialy overthrowing Vitiate happened during SoR, when the Council actively acted against the Hand and others enforcing Vitiate's will. The warrior class mission on Rishi gives important context here, showing Darth Vowrawn trying to uncover the Hand's secrets and probing Wrath's loyalties. At the point of time we arrive on Yavin, the old Imperial Guard is pretty much a thing of the past, the garrison we meet there being the last remnants of Vitiate's Guard. Not that Vitiate woud care about them or the Hand at this point, his plans already went past the Empire.


EDIT: Wookiepedia confirms that Vitiate was overthrown by the Council somewhere around SoR, when his plans to consume all life in the universe were uncovered and made public. The Honor Guards, just as Malgus' Guard, repurposes the Vitiate's Guards armaments and name, but they are different organizations.

Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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I'm currently doing the SoR and chronicling the story, which is is where my context is coming from. See this thread. Starting on Makeb, Marr gave you what information the Empire had on Vitaite's death. he was not demounced at this point. Following that the Revanites lured the Empire and Republic to Rishi. Both sides where fighting each other which had nothing to do with the Emperor. The Emperor hadn't done anything at this point, except his voice had gone silent and the "cryptic" hand was kinda out of touch, which left the Dark Council to Tend to the war on its own.


The events on Rishi and leading up to Yavin 4 was strictly Darth Marr. His people ( on his fleets) were loyal to him ( not the Empire) and so he used them to forge an alliance with the Republic ( troopers were loyal to Satele) and they fought Revan. Remember Marr said the council would never agree to a truce or alliance as did Satele of the Chancellor. SO whatever they were doing on Rishi and Yavin was unsanctioned by their respective governments.


The Dark Council wasn't sure if the Emperor was truly dead so they still feared him and the hand. Obviously with the Emperor dead, there would be infighting for a power grab. That didn't happen until the Zakullan invasion.


I just do not see anything in the game that suggests the official Imperial Guards were branded traitors and killed . Perhaps you could point me to that literature.

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I'm currently doing the SoR and chronicling the story, which is is where my context is coming from. See this thread. Starting on Makeb, Marr gave you what information the Empire had on Vitaite's death. he was not demounced at this point. Following that the Revanites lured the Empire and Republic to Rishi. Both sides where fighting each other which had nothing to do with the Emperor. The Emperor hadn't done anything at this point, except his voice had gone silent and the "cryptic" hand was kinda out of touch, which left the Dark Council to Tend to the war on its own.


The events on Rishi and leading up to Yavin 4 was strictly Darth Marr. His people ( on his fleets) were loyal to him ( not the Empire) and so he used them to forge an alliance with the Republic ( troopers were loyal to Satele) and they fought Revan. Remember Marr said the council would never agree to a truce or alliance as did Satele of the Chancellor. SO whatever they were doing on Rishi and Yavin was unsanctioned by their respective governments.


The Dark Council wasn't sure if the Emperor was truly dead so they still feared him and the hand. Obviously with the Emperor dead, there would be infighting for a power grab. That didn't happen until the Zakullan invasion.


I just do not see anything in the game that suggests the official Imperial Guards were branded traitors and killed . Perhaps you could point me to that literature.


The Emperor was denounced by the Empire around SoR, before Ziost, as it was made public that he wanted to consume all life in the Galaxy, that's canon. He was branded a traitor and enemy of the Empire, most likely along with anyone serving him directly and not the Dark Council. It was never described in detail, but you can get the picture from pieces of information and dialogue you find in game. I've played through SoR three times with different classes and that part was always ckear to me.


The Imperial Guard being hunted down is just a logical assumption. Guardsmen were loyal to Vitiate only, officers were aware of his plan to consume all life and were willing to die to make his plans come through. It would be insane for the Council to not wipe them out - and I would not expect the Sith to take any chances.


As I've said, many things were never clearly stated/described in one place. Or at least I don't know any such source. I recommend reading through Wookiepedia and the Codex in game, many things are explained there, especially if you cross-reference mutltiple articles.

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