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Sith Sorcerer need more DPS


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Hey Guys,


unfortunately the class balance is totaly unbalanced there are extrem stron classes and extrem weak classes.

So please push the sorcere a bit up so it is compareable to the other clases.

With eaqual gear you will be always about 2K DPS behind the next - thats not OK I think.






and yes - my english is quite bad - I know :rolleyes:

Edited by magicdragon-six
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I played Focus Sentinel as PVP main through 4.0, go check how it did on the parse boards back then. ;)


That said, the abilities just do not interest me anymore. The shortened force storm misses the epicness of the older full cast, with the brilliant crescendo of sound. This old cast needs to come back.


Secondly, one cast for each of the DPS, needs to be changed to a channel. Especially madness/balance's new ability they got. This would improve the animation satisfaction from the player. The casts feel like you aren't really doing anything during that time.


Madness also needs it's pre 3.0 Force Lightning back, the proc's made lightning crackle sounds, and visual pops. It was epic. These need to be brought back!

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Totally agree and this nerfing of character abilities all the time is completely stupid.


Sith barrier no longer latest that long any more and is completely useless in ops now.


In pvp warzones the sith socerer is so easy defeated it is totally pointless going in them any more.


And swtor is wondering why people are quitting.

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