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Stealth Belts, for All Classes, Kotor Style


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Now, before you guys start cursing me, at least hear me out.


We all know this game have turned into a grind fiesta, with like 300 command levels dailies play no small part on our activities. The first time for each daily on the week we get to do the bonus, which usually involve killing a bunch of extra mobs, so stealth doesn't make THAT much of a difference.


But for the other 6 day on the week, boy do stealth speed things up, holly ****. It is SO much fast to do dailies on a shadow/scoundrel than it is on any other class, it is not even fair to compare. We can skip so much annoying mobs..


But hey, stealth is a core aspect of said classes, so it is strange to just give this to every class, and i AGREE.


So, what do i propose? well, i thought of two possible solutions:


Ideally: we get to purchase a legacy "stealth belt" kind of like rocket boots, we can use it open world, but not in war-zones, (also i think it should be limited for ops and hm/nim and whatever, ANYTHING related to endgame content should remain for scoundrel/shadow to be the stealth class), the stealth level would be capped at a level that is inferior to those of shadows/scoundrels, i think 4, but not sure. And with a long cd of the toggle ( 90 s), with 3 purchases, finally capping at 30s cd, just like rocket boots.


Second Option: give cybertech a craftable "stealth generator", a consumable that put you in stealth mode until any stealth breaking skill is used, stealth level vary with cybertech skill required to craft it. Also, i plead that reusable consumables like those should return, here is a perfect candidate for it :tran_angel: . A cd of 30s would be enough i think.


Also, it goes without saying, but of course NO COMBAT STEALTH, because, well, i mean.. that would be absurd, never even crossed my mind, but inb4 someone suggest otherwise, just NO.



So, what do you guys think? any takers:jawa_confused:


edit: spelling, not native, sorry.

Edited by Tifo-Dias
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As a player who primarily goes for stealth classes, I wouldn't necessarily be against this, but it's not on my wishlist either. However if it was implemented, it should rightfully pose a significant challenge to obtain, and it shouldn't be as powerful as the ability utilized by an actual stealth class. Maybe give mobs a smaller range of "sight", so to speak, but still break if you aren't cautious on how close you are.
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