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The Great Gungo The Hutt cordially invites you to the : Swiftsure pvp bounty


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In a broken down Cantina in Hutta…….





Mercenary: Lord Amsodae you disrespect us by showing yourself here.


Lord Asmodae: Watch your tongue. You are in the presence of pure power, a True Sith Lord. I could disentigrate you with the snap of a finger. I came here on official business.


Mercenary: Business you say. The Great Gungo The Hutt does not pay tribute to the Empire nor does he dabble in Empire affairs. Leave or…


Lord Asmodae: Leave or what? (Force Persuade) you will bring me to your Hutt Master.


Mercenary: I will bring you to my Hutt Master, Im here to help.






Later that day…..



Gungo The Hutt: Hoo Hoo Hoo, Lord Asmodae. My network tells me that your entire legion has landed here within our system. Do you think you could have done so going unnoticed?

Lord Asmodae: Well if it isn't the Mighty Gungo The Hutt. I came here fully wanting to be noticed, my intentions are transparent for I hide no secrets. I bring with me some of the most ruthless PVP killers in all the known galaxy.

Gungo The Hutt: And what is it that you propose?


Lord Asmodae: It has become a Dominus Letum Empire tradition to hail in the new year with a banner of trophies earned during the GREAT HUNT!...


Gungo The Hutt: Hoo Hoo Hoo the Great Hunt you say? And what does a Sith Lord know about the hunt?


Lord Asmodae: The Great Hunt. I am told this is a trial of honor for some of your most rutheless killers. Am I wrong in presuming this?


Gungo The Hutt: Hoo Hoo Hoo. You have much to learn of Hutta affairs Lord Asmodae.


Lord Asmodae: Silence Gungo. There is much more to this than just attending the Great hunt. I am in need of your networking and have been informed that you are well connected. I can assure you that this mutual agreement can and will benefit us both.


Gungo The Hutt: What is it that you propose Master Sith?


Lord Asmodae: I simply wish to inform the population of this pathetic server our arrival and our intentions… We seek only a tournament… to showcase and bring forth PVP as it was intended!


Gungo The Hutt: then I shall make the preperations… but know this… If you fail….


Lord Asmodae: We will not fail!








By Order of the 12 Decree



The Great Gungo The Hutt has cordially invited those of the SWIFTSURE SERVER



To partake in the First of many GLADITORIAL EVENTS




Prospective Gladiator,



You have been recognized as one of the pure best combatants in all the known Galaxy. You are therefore Cordially Invited to attend the GREAT HUNT in TATTOOINE:


This is a best of the best, winner take all, contest where teams will match blades and wits to achieve victory in a 1v1 fight to the death.




The rules:----------------------------------------------------


1. Win by defeating all opposition. Single Elimination.


2. Potions and buffs allowed. Not outside buffs. Only personal buffs.


3. No companions allowed!




Break the Rules and you will be disqualified.


Please note that Level brackets will be enforced!






Entrance fee: 10,000 Credits


Purse: Determined by the amount of participants.


Location: Tattooine Outlaw Den


Date/Time: TBD based on participants


To Register for this event:


Post on this thread with your names and class and level. Sign-up deadline is January 2nd 2012





Best of Luck




Please note that at the end of this event we will participate in a massive free for all PVP event!




Gweedo of the Great Gungo Hutts Mercenary Division














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Edited by Asmodae
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