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Anyone else have violent thoughts when...

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No need to redo the story. Just take a pub character to Taris and exit your hangar. The obnoxious holo is just outside the hangar in the hallway.


With her ego, I'm surprised she didn't try putting those things all over Coruscant and throughout the pub planets once she became Supreme Chancellor.


lol ok

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Oh yes, every time, haha. And ever time, my wife (who hasn't finished the storylines or gotten to the expacs yet) gives me this look like I'm crazy, and asks when she's going to find out what the heck happened. XD
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Arriving on Taris pubside and you hear Saresh welcoming you? I want to blow up the Holo recording or punch her in the face. I'm so happy for kotet chapter 2. :p


Just my thoughts as I'm lvling my Jedi shadow


I have violent thoughts when I think about anything. I pretty much am always thinking about violent things to begin with though, so I guess the difference is academic.

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Yeah being forced to run through space ports as Quick Travel is greyed out OR one that I get a lot is my rocket boots automatically go on a 1 minute cooldown whenever I land :mad:


I just scream "artificial content!" at the screen for making me run through the bloody place for the 169th time :mad:


Rant over /happy

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