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Defeating Mysterious Sith


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I have come to the conclusion that I suck at this game. Anyway I cannot defeat the mysterious Sith (the guy you fight after learning the healing technique or whatever) for the life of me. I get him about half way down before he completely annihilates me. Anyone have suggestions? I take out the acolytes first and then try and do as much damage as possible but I fail at it so bad. I'm only at level 15 which may be the problem. On a side note I'm also doing a side mission in the ruins where you have to find a jedi's lost notes or something, and I cannot find them at all, I would think its just an item you pick up after killing someone but I've killed everyone in the area and still nothing. Thanks for your help guys.
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I have come to the conclusion that I suck at this game. Anyway I cannot defeat the mysterious Sith (the guy you fight after learning the healing technique or whatever) for the life of me. I get him about half way down before he completely annihilates me. Anyone have suggestions? I take out the acolytes first and then try and do as much damage as possible but I fail at it so bad. I'm only at level 15 which may be the problem. On a side note I'm also doing a side mission in the ruins where you have to find a jedi's lost notes or something, and I cannot find them at all, I would think its just an item you pick up after killing someone but I've killed everyone in the area and still nothing. Thanks for your help guys.


are you using your companion? and make sure your killing the imps in the area otherwise their not going to drop it. If it is too hard go out do a few quests and try again.

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CHannell the force is an ability that everyone gets. (Although differant names)


It regenerates your HP 2% every three seconds for one minute, and puts your stun off of cooldown. AND it plays danger music!


But yeah, make sure your companion is doing their job, use ALL your tricks, and if you still are having a hard time, get some new gear, get a level and try again

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have come to the conclusion that I suck at this game. Anyway I cannot defeat the mysterious Sith (the guy you fight after learning the healing technique or whatever) for the life of me. I get him about half way down before he completely annihilates me. Anyone have suggestions? I take out the acolytes first and then try and do as much damage as possible but I fail at it so bad. I'm only at level 15 which may be the problem. On a side note I'm also doing a side mission in the ruins where you have to find a jedi's lost notes or something, and I cannot find them at all, I would think its just an item you pick up after killing someone but I've killed everyone in the area and still nothing. Thanks for your help guys.


I'm currently in the JTR having the same problem. If we group, we should be able to fight them well together, I'm a Jedi sage too, if you're on the ven zallow server we can grp

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Apply Force Armor to your companion then yourself. Stay at range keeping your companion targeted. hit him with bubbles (shields) as needs them and keep the heals coming. If the acolytes come toward you push them back with your bubble attack. And keep the heals coming at your companion.


I have Bio-chem and Bio analysis as my crew skills, so I went into the battle with a generous supply of med stims. As The sith was whittled down A joined the assault with project stuns and A force lift as required.


Also having the best player made gear you can afford to purchase from the market was of assistance as well.


It is a tough fight but winnable.


May the Force be with you.




Exploring the galaxy one inch at a time

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ugh i fought him like 20 times and still cant kill him . i get him down to almost dead then he hits me with someth ing that takes half my health and i'm dead again?


i'm lvl 16 and killed guys with 11k but cant get this guy for crop?


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i have done it as jedi shadow lvl 16 specced in infiltration


i first finished the weak imperials off and then got to him, let your copanion tank it and just spam shadow strike and saber slash if you are shadow, when you have aggro use double strike and project...


i killed him before he could kill my companion, only thing that was annoying was force choke

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One trick I used for soloing heroic bosses on my Shadow was:

Start the fight with your tank stance on and put Qyzen on his DPS stance. Keep your rotation up and use your med pack when your hp has dropped to the point where it would bring you up to 90+ percent health upon consuming the medpack. The idea is to use it early so that it may have a chance to come off of cooldown during the same fight.


Once you drop to around 50% health, have Qyzen put on his tank stance and taunt. You can have him do this by pressing Ctrl + 3 (for the stance) followed by Ctrl + 4 (for the taunt). You can switch to your DPS stance during this phase if you aren't sure Qyzen can maintain aggro on the guy. It usually shouldn't be a problem.


When Qyzen takes aggro, use Channel the Force (2% hp per 3 sec thing). Hopefully, by the time Qyzen gets low, your health should be nearly full again. Taunt the boss and start tanking him again.


This way, you can maximize the amount of health you and your companion go through for some of the harder hitting bosses.


Also, I wouldn't suggest putting Guard on your companion. It's usually been a death sentence from my experience.

Edited by poasiodss
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I have a trick I use as a Sage which tends to help with fights out of cut scenes.


I put force armor on my companion and myself prior to starting the cut scene. When it ends and the fight begins, both your companion and yourself are shielded and you are free to burn down the adds. The other positive is that you can cast the shield almost immediately if you need to as the cool down is nearly finished upon entering the fight.


Hope this trick helps someone and good luck.

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  • 2 months later...
can someone give me jedi shadow specific ways to beat him im a level 13


Step 1, level up a bit :) You must have skipped pretty much everything except the Class Story else on Coruscant if you're getting to that spot at level 13.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Step 1, level up a bit :) You must have skipped pretty much everything except the Class Story else on Coruscant if you're getting to that spot at level 13.


Agreed, and for future class missions i would suggest checking your mission log to see the level of the mission, if the level of the mission is higher then the level of your character then i suggest levelling up before trying it.


Personally i did like 90% of my class missions with my character at least 1 level above the mission level and never failed a mission :)

Edited by deags
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can someone give me jedi shadow specific ways to beat him im a level 13


Its a lvl 16 Quest So I would recommend lvling up a bit OR bringing a friend if you really Don't want to do the side quests.


As A sage(working on a healer spec), I found This Fight Easy... shield Companion, Take out acolytes, Switch between healing and Dps, beat it on the first shot.


I found This MUCH MUCH easier then the Opposite JK boss fight, But thats just me.


To the OP.....As For finding the Journal, If you are In the Actual "Area" marked on the Map, it should Drop pretty quick, I THINK its always a "Strong" enemy that Drops it, At least it was for me On the Two Chars I've done it with.

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  • 5 months later...
I gave up on that character. There is absolutely no way he could have beaten that NPC; none! The developers made that character disproportionately too strong. I don't know how you others that managed to defeat him did it, but I couldn't do it with the character that I had. I am very tempted to uninstall this game and get rid of it.
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This reminds me of the first time I rolled my inquisitor through his story and near the start theres waves of robots you really cant stand up to with the common dps take down. You need to learn to stun, position followed with knockback to launch as many of the cliff as possible and follow up with your best controlled dps to take 2 or 3 a few times in a row.


The connection of ithis is that EVERY class hits a point early in their story that will test you and make sure that if you run solo, you need to undesrtand your moves and rotations. This fight requires proficeincy not just competance. Untill you get a grasp on it the fight seems impoissible when most things before it were cake. Some classes will naturally be easier for you, while some will be difficult.


Dont give up. The force IS with you

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This reminds me of the first time I rolled my inquisitor through his story and near the start theres waves of robots you really cant stand up to with the common dps take down. You need to learn to stun, position followed with knockback to launch as many of the cliff as possible and follow up with your best controlled dps to take 2 or 3 a few times in a row.


The connection of ithis is that EVERY class hits a point early in their story that will test you and make sure that if you run solo, you need to undesrtand your moves and rotations. This fight requires proficeincy not just competance. Untill you get a grasp on it the fight seems impoissible when most things before it were cake. Some classes will naturally be easier for you, while some will be difficult.


Dont give up. The force IS with you


It would help if I knew what in the name of the Force I'm supposed to be doing. But there isn't anyone that can tell me how to play my character because it's my character. But it would be helpful if someone that's been through this could give me some pointers on how to move forward.

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  • 9 months later...

I am a Jedi Shadow, level 14. I Can't beat this sith. I tried many times.


My quickbar is given below. Is there a mistake in your opinion ?

What do you recommend ? Which tactics should I use ?

Can you tell me one by one ?


1. Saber Strike

2. Project

3. Double Strike

4. Telekinetic

5. Force Wave

6. Force Lift

7. Force Stun

8. Force Potency

9. Force of will

0. Mind Crush

-. Shadow Strike

=. Force Breach

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Interrupt. You should have it by now. Look and see the mobs cast bar and when he starts channeling something 3seconds long, interrupt it! Also gain a level. I remember this fight and I had to go out into coruscant and gain a level then come back. Bubble, stun, interrupt, stim, medpacks. These should help a lot.


Also if you think this is hard, wait till quesh and atiss station!

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