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Scoundrel Vs Operative

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I was wondering which is better? now I know that they mirrors but I am try to boost Either one but can'y decide which?

I like the knife Animations on Operative but the Animations of Scoundrel are a nice mix between bare hands, pistol and Shotgun abilities. Though I think the sucker punch ability could use a sound alteration and maybe not have those stupid two gun in front , you know the big blue cross gun that look like a stupid pirate flag on Scrapper.

I like the knife Animations but I feel that a like repetitive.


Can somebody help me choose?

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I was wondering which is better? now I know that they mirrors but I am try to boost Either one but can'y decide which?

the Animations of Scoundrel are a nice mix between bare hands, pistol and Shotgun abilities.



they are not.


either bare hands and silly whacking with your scatter-gun via scrapper or just going pew pew and using your shotgun properly with ruffian, but scrapper dps is easier to set up..


op's knife animation is repetitive, but so is punching....

Edited by Tifo-Dias
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I play both, but I mostly like the look of the Scoundrel a little better. I like it, particularly, when the equipped weapon matches the utilized weapon as much as possible. Scoundrels get a little bit better of a ratio of powers that use the pistol versus other gadget, just slightly, admittedly, due to Vital Shot versus Corrosive Dart (not as bad as PTs versus Vanguards for example) but also have the advantage of using their equipped weapon in cutscenes, which is is a nice touch. The blender droids for Bushwack are also way cooler than the miniature green cloud for Toxic Haze.


I do think Operative edges things out a bit as a Healer, though. The various darts and devices are cooler looking than the "I shine green light on you" approach that most Scoundrels heals tend to take.


But on the other, other hand, Scoundrels can romance Akaavi, so still they get the most points when the day is done.

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Well, all personal taste I suppose.


For healing, a toss up for me.


For dps...Concealment over Scrapper. I just dislike the punching, and I really like the vibroknife attacks, especially when Veiled Strike replaces Shiv.


For Scoundrel DPS, I go Ruffian ( the old Dirty Fighting). Feels a bit awkward having to go in to 4 meters for Blaster Whip/Bludgeon, but I am OK with it and vastly prefer Ruffian to Scrapper, which I just cannot enjoy due to the punching.

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