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Use Extra Companion instead of Droid for Flashpoints

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It may sound crazy, but hear me out. I think it would be a cool idea if instead of getting issued a random droid when doing Flashpoints we should instead have a companion. For a total of 2 companions during those activities. Maybe at the beginning we'll have no control over them just like the droid, they are pretty much automatic the whole time. They could be a random companion from our team. Later, maybe we could get the option of selecting which companion we want to use for the flashpoint. The main Idea is that the droid kinda takes us out of the story, having 2 of our companions share in a challenging adventure could be a great addition to the game and keeps the story intact! If I have a whole ship full of companions...why am I going to trust a random droid to come with me? No thanks, I'll take one of my friends, I know they know what they are doing. It would be a cosmetic change at the very least.

What do you guys think?

Do you think it would be really difficult to implement?

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In a unusual coincidence I just played one of the later chapters of KoTET for the first time and low and behold there they were, 2 companions at the same time! So that tells me that this is pretty much done, it would be just a matter of implementing this feature into the flashpoints instead of the droid!

Come on Devs! Thanks!!

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One would have to be on auto-pilot though, since there is no mechanism to control two companions. This might be a problem in some places. For instance, if you have a stealther, would your extra companion get stealthed, too, or would they aggro mobs?


Guess its solvable and it'd be nicer than the jesus bot. Just not sure they'd put in the effort to make it actually good.

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I felt the same way pretty much the moment I saw the combat droid.


It wouldn't be that difficult to have them controllable either, just have their face appear where other group members do during team ups along with instructions.

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