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Legacy wide objects


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I think that this thread was called many times, however i`d like to remind what things except datacrons shoul be legacy wide.

First: mounts which are not from cartel market and not from vendors to buy - that means these which are droppable from flashpoint or operation bosses and these four aratech mounts from achievement quest (its truly annoying for doing all these quest again on each toon)

Second: The Pets - not from CM and vendors but these droppable from bosses

Third: codex ofc but this needs more attention :

I think here is needed a tool which would make ability to share codex entries among usesr`s toons: for example somewhere at the legacy tree of toons.

Of course there are separate sections of codex entries so lets say someting about them:

- Achievement ones: datacrons are legacy wide,

Epic enemies refers now only to World Bosses so should sharable in legacy cause its pointless to defeat all WBosses again with every character to get entry of defeating (wondering if they shortage list just for WB or bring back entries from flashpoits and Operations bosses).

PVP - can be sharable among characters if someone wants

Space - same like above

Titles - here only several can be sharable : for example these which are joint with defeating WBosses, operations on higher difficulty modes and also these from seeker droid if someone doesn`t like to diiging a title Star Forager or Dreadseeder

Explaration codex entries should be mainly sharable among charactes except these which are writtten just for one of factions. By the way Republic and Imperial characters should have all list of Beastiary and Species because all characters, no matter what faction they are, encounter every kind of them.

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