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New to Mara(pvp help)

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So as the title says I am new to this class, I played back in release and a bit during hutt cartel and I played an assassin however a few days ago I returned and hit max level on my mara. I am having trouble finding a nice rotation and i use rotation lightly because i realize pvp is more situational but can anyone give me pvp tips for rage mara, like what abilities should i prioritize for damage or what abilities in 1v1 should i make sure i use asap becuase honestly right now all i do is try and spam my obliterate and my single target ability that gets buffed from it (sorry forget the name of it the single target version of smash) Sorry for the lack of in game knowledge, and game mechanics. Any little bit helps.
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Good single target opener in PvP: Leap > Force crush > Raid buff > Battering assault > Raging burst > Ravage > Furious strike


after that you'll want to build some rage. use force crush as much as possible to proc free raging bursts, and always obliterate or leap before using raging burst or smash for the dmg boost it provides. follow up with furious strike for some serious burst dmg.


here are my recommended utilities for regs: http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAABGAwECGgEFCgkNERQW


use obfuscate liberally, i've found that its best uses are 1) shutting down opener bursts 2) avoiding knockbacks 3) when you're going for the kill and dont want to get stunned


other than that you wanna learn to cycle your other DCDs appropriately in order to maximize your uptime, familiarize yourself with the location of medstations and camo out to heal back up when needed.


this is some of what i've gathered from playing sentinel for about 4 months, and i hope i got the imp terminology right. if anyone disagrees, please let me know so i can improve aswell

Edited by Sharkii_boy
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Rage Marauder? I'd go: Force Leap, Battering Assault, Pacify, Vicious Throw, Furious Strike, Obliterate, Ravage, Dual Saber Throw and then from Berserk on it'll look something like: Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash! Edited by saberscreen
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So as the title says I am new to this class, I played back in release and a bit during hutt cartel and I played an assassin however a few days ago I returned and hit max level on my mara. I am having trouble finding a nice rotation and i use rotation lightly because i realize pvp is more situational but can anyone give me pvp tips for rage mara, like what abilities should i prioritize for damage or what abilities in 1v1 should i make sure i use asap becuase honestly right now all i do is try and spam my obliterate and my single target ability that gets buffed from it (sorry forget the name of it the single target version of smash) Sorry for the lack of in game knowledge, and game mechanics. Any little bit helps.


Surprisingly Fury even with it's innate unique anti CC abilities is the least play spec in PVP [and PVE for that matter] and so doesn't get as much attention as Annihilation and Carnage. Resources for it on the web are scarce.


The other posters have given you some rotations you can use, just bare in mind that in PVP you are seldom going to be able to pull off full rotations for long with all the CC, escapes, and abilities various classes have. Your anti cc abilities are extremely well suited to pvp but they aren't always in effect so there will be times when you are still vulnerable to CCs. Because decent uptime on an opponent can sometimes be difficult and will mess with your rotation, what you want to do is make a priorities list of the best combinations for the most damage you can do in the shortest amount of time. When given the opportunity for some decent uptime use the full rotation if you can, just be prepared to instead use priority combinations for those times when uptime on an opponent is limited [if you are fighting a sniper or an assassin i.e.]


There are certain utilities that are highly recommended and will cause you some trouble if you don't have them. So you should consider the importance of having them when making your utility choices. Must haves include:


Brazzen, Defensive Roll, Relentless ,

Unbound - [even though you do have anti-cc abilities they won't cover you all of the time and CC get thrown around constantly, so I would still recommend taking it even for Fury. Without it you will still fare better than Anni and Carnage, but I don't think it would be ideal. It's certainly more negotiable than for the other two specs, but still.]

Ruthless Aggressor


While not absolutely needed I would recommend the following for better over all performance.


Thirst for Rage [Marauders are the only class in the game with out self heals. When there is no healer in the group, prepare to die often. The DCDs are very good but they don't make up for lack of any heals. Again, very good in the short term, but given the long CDs of of many of the good DCDs [3 minutes], you are going to be without active DCDs a good amount of the time. Any damage you take you are keeping, while that will not be the case with most of the opponents you are fighting. While what you get from this is rather small but it is better than nothing and could buy you an extra second or two before going down that might allow you to complete an objective, or even win a very close one and one fight.


Regarding DCDs -

Always use Cloak of Pain if you are fighting, given it's short CD and that it could potentially be refreshed if attacked there is simply no reason not to use it all the time.


Force Camo is NOT a DCD, even though it is a damage reduce. You cannot use it while fighting without canceling it effects immediately upon attacking. Use this only as an escape or to mitigate environmental damage [Acid pools, fire traps, etc]. It's short duration invisibilitty can be used to sneak by people but you will very often get caught because you can't get all that far in just 4 seconds and people know that it has a very short duration and will start AOEing the area to nail you very often.


Use Undying Rage when being attacked by multiple assailants. Do not wait until you are nearly dead to use it as it will only delay the inevitable, you will still be near death when it ends because you cannot heal. Better to use it to avoid incoming damage that will quickly overwhelm you. Exceptions are if you are near death but you have a healer who might be able to heal you some while you are using undying rage, or to delay an opponent from completing a objective or if the opponent you are fighting is near death as well. Those few extra seconds could buy you enough time to land the killing blow. There may be other instances as well it might pay to use it, but this is just a general caution.


Pound for pound saber ward is your best DCD. Yes, Undying rage will prevent you from taking any damage [not not falling damage, youll still die], but it has a very short duration [awesome while its active tho], whereas Saber Ward lasts for 12 seconds. Its good against ranged and melee alike.


Taking Ruthless Aggressor turns your obfuscate into an excellent DCD that is why its so highly recommended.


Don't play like a tank and leap into masses of people if you do not have a healer to back you up. You can deal a lot of damage but if you do not have an active DCD you are squishy and you will get annihilated. You have great DCDs but they are fleeting, you will spend at least half the time of a WZ [if not more] without an active DCD do to cooldowns.


That said, Marauders can be extremely effective if the user is skilled and are a total blast to play. There is a high learning curve for Marauders and they require a high skill set to reach their potentials. Do not get discouraged, once you get comfortable with it you will be a great asset to your team if played well. Good luck and have fun!

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Fury is the BEST spec to play if you want to be a good Marauder but you are not a pro player.


annihilation requires expertly spreading your DOTs and keeping them up (knowing exactly when to refresh them) in order for you to be effective.


Carnage requires the most skill and will result in significant DPS loss, if you cannot fit certain abilities in "gore' window ( i forgot the new name).


For Fury, you just use Furious Strike on CD and Raging Bust only when it's glowing ( which should be almost all the time) even though you want to use raging burst before furious strike because of Cascading power passive --and you are good to go.

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