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Can you use /who to find active guilds?


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I'd like to find a guild that has people online when I play. In past MMOs I've been able to use some version of the /who command to see how many people from a guild are online. Is there a way to do that in SWTOR?



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If you already know the name of the guild, you can search for it using the who search. However, the search results can be misleading. If you search with the word "Empire", and three guilds have "Empire" in their name, you'll see all online members from all three guilds. If a player has "Empire" (for example) as all or part of their name, they'll show up, too. If there are special characters in the guild name, you won't see any results unless you also put in the special characters. The search results do not specify or show the actual names of the guilds, either; it will only show the player names.


To my knowledge there is no "guild-only" search option in-game, and certainly not one that will tell you how active a guild is or isn't. Best to just ask a member.

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Thank you


I haven't seen a Guild only search, though as the game launched, a lot of the former Devs wanted to implement that system. Nowadays though, people want a lot of other different changes to this game to keep this thing going.


It would've been nice to have because we almost had it, and did have that different Guild Search years ago, then was taken'. That was a terrible move on Bioware's side.

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