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Koth Romance Fail


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So I tried to romance Koth on my Bounty Hunter and kissed him in chapter 8. But come chapter 9 and I don't get the flirt option. I've finished all of the Kotfe and I really think I'm screwed. Was this a bug? And can I fix this or am I stuck like this? I haven't started Kotet so can I fix it at some point there?
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So I tried to romance Koth on my Bounty Hunter and kissed him in chapter 8. But come chapter 9 and I don't get the flirt option. I've finished all of the Kotfe and I really think I'm screwed. Was this a bug? And can I fix this or am I stuck like this? I haven't started Kotet so can I fix it at some point there?

Depends. Was there a patch between your character starting Chapter III and finishing Chapter VIII? The accepted "wisdom" is that this will 100% guarantee that you don't get the flirt option in the cantina. It might be fixable by redoing Chapters I to VIII, and you might have to redo them on a different difficulty setting.

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The entire Koth romance is a fail...there is no romance there. He's hardly in the picture. If they are going to make the romance final then they should at least actually HAVE romance available on the chosen characters.
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Weird. Go to your ship and see if you have chapter 1 there on your kiosk. Retake it and do CH 1-9 again. If by the cantina you don't have any flirt options then you've been locked out. :(


Tried to do this twice now, first on story mode, then on veteran. Neither worked, I just get the chapter on the kiosk again like it's resetting. :(

Edited by FelTainted_
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Depends. Was there a patch between your character starting Chapter III and finishing Chapter VIII? The accepted "wisdom" is that this will 100% guarantee that you don't get the flirt option in the cantina. It might be fixable by redoing Chapters I to VIII, and you might have to redo them on a different difficulty setting.


At this point I'm pretty sure I'm locked out because I've tried redoing it on story and veteran mode, neither worked. I'll just have to romance him on someone else and hope that doesn't happen again.

I can't remember if there was a patch when I was doing Kofte because I haven't touched my Bounty Hunter in ages. But if that happened, that is likely the case and I'll just have to accept it.

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The entire Koth romance is a fail...there is no romance there. He's hardly in the picture. If they are going to make the romance final then they should at least actually HAVE romance available on the chosen characters.


I like to do every romance to see what they're like, whether I like the character or not.

I know Koth is very self centered, selfish and he doesn't seem to care about you. Lana and Theron are the ones that really truly care.


But either way I was going to try it with him and give him an equally self centered partner to give him a taste of his own medicine.

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