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A big draw to this game for me was the idea of having my own speeder, one of the more fascinating points from the Star Wars franchise. I love the variety currently available but since day one I've always wished there was more. I'd like to propose the following:


1) Speeder Races could be a regular thing. They could be pvp or pve similar to how they worked in the KOTOR series on a fixed track set against a timer.


2) Speeder Missions. It would be neat to see more missions like the one in the Ziost daily area with boosts, obstacles, and the like.


3) Speeder Customizations. Another draw to the Star Wars universe for me has always been upgrading and modifying what you have to make it better like in the movies. Swappable engines for variances in speed, custom paint jobs, or even shields would be EPIC. Even a buff for temporary boosts in speed or defense would be neat.


As it stands I find myself imagining my speeder being fast or nimble when in reality it has basically the same performance as every other speeder once you get to level 3. The only real difference performance wise is the size---some are just too clunky for jungles, swamps, and cramped city areas like Nar Shadaa. It just seems like there should be more of a notable difference beyond cosmetics to fully enjoy this part of the game. I imagine a lot of players would log on just to race, similar to how some players are strictly into pvp or galactic star fighter, playing the gtn, or crafting.

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But given that all vehicles at equivalent skill level move at the same speed, what's the point?

Even the small boosts on Ziost cause you to lag while the server catches up so there's really not much more speed to be gained than what we already have.

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True but there's still some enjoyment to be had. Imagine taking your speeder through the tusken raider camp and getting blasted off of it. Now imagine having a speed or shield boost that you can use right before that happened. I think in a pve setting the lag issue wouldnt be an instant game ender.


I might add that lag has never interfered with the ziost mission for me--- especially when compared to doing warzones. I'd say if people can suffer thru the laggy mess that is pvp in this game then a pve race would be nothing lol.


Also that was why I mentioned upgrades. If you could swap out your engine for a faster one that increased your speed by a percentage it would make a big difference. Look at all the upgrades for the starships in game. They have a notable perfomance increase with armor, shields, etc. This would also give cybertechs something new to craft.

Edited by MingusPho
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