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Choose your own adventure.....


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After this recent update I've come to the decision that until we get a better idea of where BW is going with this new story, I'm putting my mains on ice for the foreseeable future. Maybe grind a little CXP or heroics here and there, but that's about it. You can only do that for so long though before you get the itch to do more story content. So, I've come up with a solution. I'll create another character to run story content on, with a little input from you guys here in The Void we call the SWTOR forums. From species to class I'll take votes for those and everything in between including story content. I will then post the play through on Youtube for you guys to enjoy if you see fit.


Any takers?

Edited by Venn_Dras
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How about a Mirialan trooper, with a head-canon backstory similar to John Scalzi's "Old Man's War" Colonial Defense Force?


Or, if you'd rather keep your personal story more in line with straight Star Wars, a female Chiss agent? (I love the agent story and have a heck of a lot of agents, but none of them are Chiss.)


A bounty hunter who has to hide his Jedi legacy from his Mando brethren?


A Zabrak smuggler who defected from the Republic military and is really, really trying not to get anyone's attention while he's making a living?


What would you yourself enjoy most?

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How about a Mirialan trooper, with a head-canon backstory similar to John Scalzi's "Old Man's War" Colonial Defense Force?


Or, if you'd rather keep your personal story more in line with straight Star Wars, a female Chiss agent? (I love the agent story and have a heck of a lot of agents, but none of them are Chiss.)


A bounty hunter who has to hide his Jedi legacy from his Mando brethren?


A Zabrak smuggler who defected from the Republic military and is really, really trying not to get anyone's attention while he's making a living?


What would you yourself enjoy most?


Thanks for the reply! At this point I've done all the class stories at least once, so it'll be nice to see what others can come up with. I've moved this thread to the Community Content board; it seemed more appropriate ;)




I'll add your choices to the board there.

Edited by Venn_Dras
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