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Character Personality?


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Okay, so I've made 2 characters from each class (1 per advanced class) and I'm trying to have one of each class be relatively light sided and the other relatively dark sided. I've pretty much rounded out the basic personalities of each of them (e.g. light side trooper focused on protecting ideals of the Republic, dark side more willing to sacrifice others for "greater good" of the Republic, etc.) except for my dark side consular (shadow) and light side agent (operative). What type of personalities/motivations would work best for them? I thought about maybe a "grey jedi" for my JC, or maybe secretly a sith, but I'm not really familiar with the philosophy of the grey jedi and based on how the consular's story goes, it would be very difficult to secretly be a sith IMO. As for the agent, I haven't gotten far enough with my dark side agent's story to really tell what other personalities the story really allows for. Any suggestions?
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I play kind of a greyish shadow at the moment (picking mostly friendly dialogue options, but most dark side choices) and it works really well.


Personality: Ruthless (does everything to protect the republic),

gets easily emotional (likes to kill sith), doesn't show mercy (kills someone if the option is to hostage or kill them)

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Light-side agent is one of the most interesting options in the game. As a sith or famous bounty hunter, a lot of your actions are out in the open. As an agent, many of the things you do are things no one will ever know about. You have a position where you can try to take kind actions that will improve the Empire (or least make it a bit less terrible) from the inside. In a way, you have the most potential for success (because hardly anyone will know) and the least potential for glory (for the same reason). What complicates matters is that you're part of a very strict chain of command that doesn't always give you a lot of freedom. Maybe there'll be times you want to do the good thing, but you feel like the parameters of your mission don't allow it. Or maybe you'll say "screw the parameters."


Very interesting options open up for a light-side agent as the story progresses, and I can't discuss them here without spoiling. Suffice it to say, I don't think you'll be lacking in motivation or personality.

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My female sage, was LS to start with saving as many afflicted Jedi Masters as possible, but resented the Empire in its entirety for what was done to those Jedi Masters. This resentment turned to hate and took her down a dark path.


My male sage (that I created for DvL), was all about getting the job done as expediently and with as little effort on his part as possible...dark side is "quicker, easy, more seductive"


My male shadow (that I used a free 60 token to create, so I develop a backstory for), was a LS Jedi that was driven mad by the shielding technique; every time he shielded a master he consumed the dark side from them and it became a part of him. Vitiate/Valkorian possession of him has driven him over the edge.


I played my one agent full LS. In her case, she was 100% loyal to the Empire. She felt that capturing and using was a better solution than killing one's enemies. She blames "The Sith" for what the Empire did to her (right or wrong it's her opinion) and so the mistrust of "force users" began. And everything post class story in her mind reinforced that mistrust...especially her capture by Arcann. She wants an Empire but does not want force users meddling with their endless and pointless in-fighting. She feels that if the Force just went away the galaxy would be harmonious.

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