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Playing Characters through different expansions


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Hey all,

I have been playing for over two months now, and I love the character story line concept, but was a bit disappointed that I needed to create a new character to play KOTET, and not too fond of the story line game play within it either. In any case, is there a way to use my main character throughout each of the expansions or is it a requirement in order to play them. Not that I do not like the idea of playing each character storyline, just did not want to have to play entire game from beginning to do so, at least when it comes to the different expansions. Is there a benefit to using multiple characters other than legacy stuff or am I wrong in wanting to keep using the same character throughout? Thanks for any advice or help.

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You can create 8 characters, each of a different class and enjoy 8 different stories. These class stories are split into three chapters for each class. After that, you can just play through Ilum, Makeb, Shadow of Revan and Ziost on just two of those characters; one each from the Republic and Imperial factions. I'd recommend doing so with force-user classes. You can play through KotFE and KotET with just one character (any character, but I'd recommend one of the two force-users you chose previously.)


You do not need to create a new character to play KotET. In fact, you can just take one character through from beginning to the end of KotET without stopping to create or play other characters. There is quite a bit of freedom in playing this game. Do ask questions here before committing to any course of action.

Edited by mike_carton
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You can use same character through all expansions and not need to make another one. To see all story from older expansion`s, you may want to great oppsite faction character and play through story to see different angel, and yes, you have to play through class story first. You cant play for example Makeb imp story with rep char ofc. But to play all expansions from start to finish you can use just 1 char, and started from Shadow of Revan, story is same anyway for both factions. But as stated before, I recomend to make at least 1 char to other side as well. Edited by KristoKal
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Hey all,

I ... was a bit disappointed that I needed to create a new character to play KOTET, .

You don't need to create a new character to do KOTET. Your main character just needs to do KoFE and then go on to KoTET. (provided the character is high enough level - 60, 61 (?)) I think you can start KoFE from the mission terminal in your ship.

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You don't need to create a new character to do KOTET. Your main character just needs to do KoFE and then go on to KoTET. (provided the character is high enough level - 60, 61 (?)) I think you can start KoFE from the mission terminal in your ship.

You can start KotET when your character hits level 65, regardless of what other content you've completed at that point. No need to do KotFE, or anything else. Just click the Mission Triangle icon on the main menu at the top of your screen and select Chapters, or hit Shift+E, then scroll down to Eternal Throne and click "Chapter 1: Wrath and Ruin", and click the "Grant Mission" button.


You can start KotFE when you hit level 60, and again, you can use the "chapters" list to start it as soon as you hit that level, regardless of how much (or little) other content you've done.


Just be aware that, in either case, if you "skip ahead" you will be locked out of certain things you've skipped.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Thank you all for the speedy replies! But, as usual I answered my own questions through game play. I realized that those stories are included in the "Rise of the Hutts" console on the starship. BUT... I think I messed things up a bit more by doing a couple of things I think I should not have. My first mistake I think was I started the KothFe via the mission console on starship, once I met with my alliance friends in chapter 8 or 9 I ran through the missions of speaking with everyone, I am thinking in wrong order as now the NPC Sana-Rea is missing. I have tried everything on these forums, as well as via other sites, and nothing has worked to get her back to where she is supposed to be. SO...., I went to the console on the alliance base where you can search for your old friends (crew members), and I got them all back, well upon returning to my starship, the Hutt mission console no longer lights up and works, ie., non functioning. I have all my old and new crew, still unable to access Sana-Rea in alliance base. So after long hours of frustration and trying all that I found, I finally just reset the missions from KothFe, and skipped right to KothEt. Yet I still cant access the mission console, its there, but it doesn't glow or allow me to perform any actions with it. In any case, when I started the KothEt story, I now again have the second crew, which I assume is part of the story line, and still no access to Hutt console and my Companion log is all screwy. I am missing Lana and C2-N2, rather not missing, but there is not action to call them up so to speak. Thanks in advance!:)
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