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Jedi Consular companions


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This is simple: you devs ignored the JC class the last two expansions, how about bringing our companions back? Not all of us want jaesa, Kira,Mako and other " i can dress her in slave outfit" companions.. If breasts and "vayjayyay" is all that matters in this game, at least say so.. Tell us to f off in the moment we recruit Zenith and Felix Iresso..Honestly, a lot of female JC are highly disappointed, some unsubscribed,some won't post because they don't want to be trashed for liking a non-so-popular companion.
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Someone unsub becouse don't have one of thousand brainless companion? :rolleyes:


I've forgot who Zenith and Felix were in original story since when I've finished 50 level long time ago.


I tend to agree with the sentiment that some classes have been favored over others; the trooper will have EVERY original companion back with 5.2 (Aric, Elara, Yuun, M1-4X, Tanno; granted Tanno is not recruit-able but at least you know where he ended up) while the JC only has Qyzen. Yes, those companions might be mechanically "brainless" but we still want them back.


That said, I want them back with decent story, not just an OK you wanted X back, he/she walks into the command center on Odessen and says, "hi I'm back."

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That said, I want them back with decent story, not just an OK you wanted X back, he/she walks into the command center on Odessen and says, "hi I'm back."

This while i wasn't that attached to my companions ie didn't romance any of them id still want a valid reason as to why they have just not bothered to come back until now, as the entire galaxy should know who i am by now.

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I agree.


There should be/have been more balance in bringing companions back.

Basically, each class gets one back, then each class gets a second, and so on.


Maybe the last class to get their first companion back is the first to get their second companion. Doesn't matter.


Maybe they need a certain type of companion for story purposes but still have a class or two needing a companion to get even? Okay, cheat a little, just make sure that the other class(es) get their companion(s) in short order.


Just make an effort to keep every class even.

Just show some respect to every class and companion as being worth including in the bigger story.

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What's so brainless about Zenith??? He is AWESOME. But i see how and where is this going, everyone LOVES, ADORES and WORSHIPS the worst companions ever, especially that garbage from Alderaan, so we will be forced to accept that JC companions are dead and gone forever, am i right?
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I feel like Iresso should've been the Republic contact for 5.2. First off, Dorne doesn't make much sense to me in the role (assuming Saresh didn't kick an Imperial defector out of the military in the first place, she should've been with Havoc back in KotFE chapter XI), and second, Iresso feels more "quintessentially Republic". He's a much better foil to Quinn. As it is, we ended up with the Empire represented by the most "Imperial" companion in the game, and the Republic represented by a character who represents many of the Republic's ideals, but is still very "Imperial" on the surface.


It's pretty obvious that this is just favoritism since the current story lead writer was the Trooper class story writer, sadly.

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