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Same Advanced Storylines?


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I wanted to finish all the class stories before deciding which class to play in the advanced stories. So question, does each class have a separate story or is it two stories split between "republic" and "empire". essentially, do I have to play all the classes to get the whole story? Thanks
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Rise of the Hutt Cartell and Shadows of Revan are seperated in Rep and Imp. Kotfe/Kotet are not seperated at all.

Shadow (singular) of Revan is slightly more complicated than that makes it sound.


SoR is essentially divided into four parts:

* Prelude to Revan, also called Forged Alliances. This is broadly the same on both factions, but with per-faction story cutscenes and per-class dialogue variations. (Also, in the Tyrhon and Korriban flashpoints, you fight foes that are of the opposite faction to you, but the encounters are broadly similar.)

* Shadow of Revan proper Part One, in and near Raider's Cove on Rishi. This is (almost) the same for everyone. The introduction cutscene is per-class, and there is a single per-class mission tied in some way to your class story.

* Shadow of Revan proper Part Two, in and near the village of the Rishii, also on Rishi. This is almost the same for everyone - the primary variation is per-faction, concerning the order in which certain things are done.

* Shadow of Revan proper, Part Three, on Yavin IV. There are small variations in dialogue (per class) and mission details (per faction), but the broad strokes are the same for everyone.


Ziost isn't, strictly speaking, part of SoR - it is the mission story of Rise of the Emperor - but follows the basic schema of one story with per-faction and per-class dialogue variations.


For KotFE and KotET, there are class-oriented dialogue variations, but that's the only difference.

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