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Returning player looking for advises!


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Good day all! As i said, i am returning plyer, haven't played in swtor for a 9 month. Just started again sw story line. Got few questions:

1)What is the best pvp-focused tree for mara nowadays? Is mara any good in pvp?

2)I know that i will lost all companions at some point but will return them again, so i wonder, will be love story with Vette continue after loosing at the beggining of the KoTFE?

3)Is there enough people today in-game? :D I know, it is offtop, but stil :)

Good to be here again!

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Good day all! As i said, i am returning plyer, haven't played in swtor for a 9 month. Just started again sw story line. Got few questions:

1)What is the best pvp-focused tree for mara nowadays? Is mara any good in pvp?

2)I know that i will lost all companions at some point but will return them again, so i wonder, will be love story with Vette continue after loosing at the beggining of the KoTFE?

3)Is there enough people today in-game? :D I know, it is offtop, but stil :)

Good to be here again!


Welcome back.


1) All three specs are good in PvP. I would recommend fury or carnage over annihilation, but annihilation surely works.

2) I am playing sentinel. Hopefully someone else can respond.

3) It depends. I play on Shadow Lands and Harbinger. Lowbies is dead on Shadow Lands and slow on Harbinger. From what I know, Ranked is dead on Shadow Lands, but level 70 PvP usually not slow. Harbinger is most active PvP server, so level 70 PvP (unless you are pub) and ranked should be okay.

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Oh thank you for help!

I have a last question if u don't mind - what is the best way to make money in swtor now?)


Not sure to be honest. I primarily PvP and have been selling the crafting mats, and probably made between 50-60 million in three month span. I run dailies occasionally and sell mats I gather as well.

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I'd say fury marauder is more ideal for WZs, dunno about ranked. The reason for choosing fury is that it has more mobility: force crush gives you immunity, obliterate can be used on snipers in cover; plus you get damage reduction when you use furious strike.


The best way to make money is to buy stuff with real money and sell on the GTN, anything else requires a lot of time and effort.

Edited by Yezzan
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